Chapter 11.5-The third break (pt2)

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Art credits:Pixeliss @twitter (I think)

This is the break part 2.I know I haven't been uploading in ages cause my mental Heath has been terrible but I have decided to make a chapter.

I hope you enjoy


Dream has confessed his love for George and they are now dating.

End of Previously
Time skip

( DNF have told people that they are dating now)

Dream POV:

I hope Sapnap is proud of me for becoming George's boyfriend.

"Hey Dream?"George whispers quietly.We were looking out of a window which had a beautiful view of horizon.

"You okay George,"I reply with a hint of concern in my voice.

"What if we one of us doesn't survive,"He whimpers tears filling his eyes."I don't want you to leave me.We've already lost Sap,I can't lose you too,"

"We can only hope that we both make it out alive and that the rest of us make it out alive.Just remember that I will always love you boy matter what,"I say with a small sad smile on my face.

"I miss him Dream.Even if we do live it will never be like before.What's the Dream Team without Sapnap," George whispers with tears starting to treacle down his cheeks.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Your right it won't be the same without him but I know he would have wanted us to carry on with our lives.The fans will be sad but we can't help it.Everyone dies in the end.I was just surprised it was so soon,"I tried my best to sound ad happy as possible but I was also worried.I promised myself that I wouldn't t let the same thing that happened to Sapnap happed to George;my boyfriend.It feels weird to be able to call him mine but it also feels right.

"Hey we should check on Karl and Quackity .We haven't talked to them in some time."George said with a smile, wiping his tears away from the corner of his eyes with his sleeves.

"Sure let's go,"I replied grabbing his hand.

We walked into the hall where Karl and Quackity where sitting on a chair.Crying?

George immediate ran up to them and started talking.I could start to make out what they were saying as I approached.

"-OD WHY DID HE HAVE TO LEAVE US.H-he left us.Karl and I miss him.It hurts so much without sap.It's as if a piece of us has died.Even if we make it out alive it will never be completely the same."Quackity spoke sternly while Karl wipe tears from his eyes and buried his head into Quackity's neck.

"You realise that we all miss him and I know it will never be the same but would he want us to lay around crying our eyes out?Tears won't
bring him back ,nothing will."

The speakers suddenly turned on and a ringing sound blasted through everyone's ears.

"Hello everyone I have now returned to give you some BRILLLIANT news."

Karl shivered and look and Quackity who frowned slightly.

"I have an new game for you all! This will be a game of luck.You probably already know what happens if you lose.
In this game you will be randomly selected to play a game where you must shoot your opponent and it will try and shoot you.Fail to shoot the opponent and your out.ONE PERSON MUST DIE!Simple enough,right,"

"Anyways head to room 14 in 5 minutes,"

The loud voice faded away and the general buzz of chatter started once again
Time skip
Karl POV:

I want with Quackity to the main hallway where the map of the building was.Room 14 was upstairs in the right side.It was next to the room where I found Sapnap's body.

We went back to tell everyone where Room 14 was.We both started heading towards Room 14.

"Karl I promise that we will make it out,"Quackity softly spoke."I know this all is too much for you,it is for everyone but just know that I am here for you.I always will be."

We immediately hugged each other and I let a few tears slip out.

Time Skip

Everyone stood behind the door.Bad twisted the knob and suddenly the door unlocked.He looked at everyone and slowly opened the door.The lights flashed on quickly and succulent the whole room was lit up.There was a glass barrier that blocked the rest of the room and stopped anyone from accessing the other side of the room.

"Finally you have arrived.Welcome to the next game please stand on a number that is drawn on the floor.If you don't comply I will give you a controlled shock.The game will begin shortly."


Try to guess who dies next you can find the answer in this chapter somewhere.

Anyways how are you?I hope you all are doing okay.

I have good news.The book will be finished after 3 more games.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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