Things I will not include-IMPORTANT

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-Karl confirmed his is not asexual but I will not be writing any chapters to do with Karlnap or Karlnappity but they will still act like friends or homies.

-Quackity doesn't like being shipped so no ships including him.I mean he doesn't mind shipping if you use his Dream SMP character but other than that no shipping.

-Techno said shipping is cringe but he hasn't confirmed that he doesn't like shipping,either way I will most probably not be writing any fanfics with a "techno x____" ship.

-I won't be shipping Quackity,Karl,Sapnap,Techno,Nikki,Fundy,   Eret and Wibur in this fanfic.

If there is any more announcements like this,I will try to put them here.

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