Chapter 7-The First Break

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Not my art

Hope you are doing well.This is my first fanfic so don't be afraid to give be some advice and correct me on my mistakes.

The entire party part has happened over 3 hours.

(Small Skephalo moment)

//////////End of Author Note/////////

Karl POV:

I ran to catch up with the others I didn't want to turn back.I didn't want to see Sapnap's body.As soon as I saw Quackity I ran into his arms and bursted into tears once again.A part of me wanted to be told this was all a dream and a part of me wanted to cry my eyes out.As soon as I hugged Nig Q I saw a vision.


"Don't trust the host."


I have seen visions before but not like this one.Why was the S faded?


I looked up to be met with hazel eyes.Quackity knew what was that something was on my mind and still had his arms wrapped around me.He was so comforting and I appreciated that.

///////////Time Skip////////////

I was still holding onto his hoodie that he gave me on the car journey.No one wanted to check his body or try to clean it up.

"I know you miss him we all do"

I heard a voice and looked up to be see a white face with some a smile painted in black.It was Dream.

"I know he probably wanted everyone to move on and be happy"-D

"How are you not in tears from his death?I thought you would be."-K

"I am in pain but we can't dwell on for too long.He is in a better place and our biggest worry is to get out of here."-D

Suddenly the speaker was turned on and a loud voice came into the room getting everyone's attention.The voice was robotic and cold.

"Hello my fellow friends"The voice spoke.It seemed to be the one of the host.

"You really made me in a bad mood since I had to clean up your friend's body.Geez stop crying about him and move on."

"Boo Hoo my friend is dead and I will never see them again boo hoo"

The anger started boiling in my blood and I felt like screaming at him.I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.It was Jshlatt.He seemed to have a very serious face.I turned back to the black screen (the words appeared there) as the voice continued.

"Anyways since you put me in a bad mood I will need to calm down a bit so I will be generous and give you an hour as a break.You better recover fast-"

The voice started glitching.

"CaUsE iT iS nOt OvEr YeT."

The voice stopped and the screen suddenly turn back.Everything was silent.

((((((((((((((Interaction time))))))))))))))))

There will probably be an interaction time nearly every death.Danganronpa Vibes.

I looked around to see scared and angry faces.I landed on three small people huddling around three quite tall people.

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