Chapter 2-Meeting up

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Not my art

Quick note:I have lost a lot of motivation so I will try to update it as often as I can.I sometimes will put little notes in my chapters and you can ignore them if you would like.


Bad POV:
I remember Sapnap and George talking about a fanfic.I am pretty sure it was called ____(I can't be bothered to think of a random name).Imagine if we were in a fanfic,that would be very weird.
"Oi Bad,you okay?"(I will not be using their real names).I snapped out of my trance and turned to my right to face a 21 year old man with a blue hoodie and beanie.
"Yeah I'm fine Skeppy."I quickly reply making sure he didn't get too worried.
"I am still wondering what Dream looks like,what do you think Bad?"Skeppy muttered underneath his breath but it was loud enough that I could hear.

"Imagine if he shows up wearing a mask and just Rick rolled us"I giggled.Skeppy turned to face me and looked me with those ocean eyes.

(No fair you really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes.Don't mind me just thinking about a random song).

My stomach grew butterflies.I know I am straight I always have been and I know I am not going to do that cliché move that happens in lots of fanfics and fall for my best friend that would be stupid.

"Bad!"Skeepy shouted.I snapped out of my thoughts and he burst out into laughing.
"Bad you have been staring at me for five minutes while I said your name like fifteen times."Skeepy wheezed.
"Oh right sorry.I just got kinda lost in my thoughts."I blurted out.
"It's fine.Anyways we still have to meet up with Dream,Sapnap and George.They are probably wondering where we are."Skeepy replied with a chuckle.Skeppy and I headed off and as we walked,Skeepy talked but I was still too lost in my thoughts about Skeppy and how meeting up with everyone would go.

Hoped you liked that Skephalo moment

No ones POV but focused on Dream and Sapnap:

Dream pondered on how George and bad would react to his face even though he has currently got a mask on.
"Oh Dream~"Sapnap said cheekily.
"Thinking about Georgie,hm"The Texan replied.
Dream's thoughts:
Wait?!How did he read my thoughts?Huh.Strange.
Dream looked up to see a short brunette searching for someone.
"George!"Dream yelled throwing his hands around.

The short boy ran up to him and they both embraced each other while Sapnap stood there."Guess I go back to third-wheeling wait no.I am probably going to be fifth-wheeling when Skeepy andBad arrive."Sapnap muttered but no one heard.
"Sapnap!"George yelled as he turned to hug the  other.

——————————(time skip)

Note:There are hotels since everyone is staying for 3days and on Day 3 everyone is going back home

3rd person POV:

Everyone quickly started to settle in and were currently talking in the main living room.

"Sooo what do we do now?I am really bored."Sapnap groaned.
"Classic Sapnap"Karl and Quackity spoke in unison.
"I thought you loved me."Sapnap replied with a fake sob.

" I think we could all go out"Dream suggested.
"Sure" replied Technoblade with his monotone voice.

Phil was drinking some coffee.Tommy,Tubbo and Wilbur were talking while Skeepy kept telling jokes to Bad.

"We should go to a Café.I am pretty sure there is one near here and it is not too expensive"Puffy suggested.
"I could really use some coke right now"Tommy groaned.
Everyone bursted out into laughing
Dream wheezed "Haven't you gotten sick of coke yet?"
"Monster is so much better"Karl spoke with a sense of pride.
Everyone continued to talk.

I hope you have had pleanty to food and make sure to look after yourself.I really am losing motivation but thank you for being patient.I hope that you enjoy this story since this will be my only fanfic that I am doing unless this somehow this one blows up.If it does blow up feel free to leave some things you would like to see.

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