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chapter three

i was sitting on my bed, changing from my school uniform when my phone rang

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i was sitting on my bed, changing from my school uniform when my phone rang. i folded my shirt and placed it into my closet before i went to check the text message.

it's reki!
here's the location:

the text was followed by a digital map that had a pin where his address was. i added him to my contacts and was about to set my phone down when it rang again.

don't forget to bring your skateboard!

i tapped a quick "ok" and checked the time. i should hurry up if i wanted to get there in time. so i did.

i grabbed my skateboard, laced my shoes and muttered a "see you later" to my mother and grandparents before i rushed out. the destination was pretty close, it was just further down the street i was living on, which made me wonder why reki went the other way earlier today if we live in the same direction.

i decided not to mind it and texted him that i would be there soon, to which he replied with a picture of him standing next to some japanese food i didn't recognize in his bedroom.

i must have smiled unconsciously because when i reached his house and was welcomed by him he eyed me weirdly and said:

"you're awfully happy today! something happened?"

"w-what? uhm no." i quickly said, entering his home.

it was warm inside, and a smell of food filled my nostrils as i was walking up the stairs to his room. it felt foreign, as i've never smelled something like this before which only made me walk faster to his room.

reki giggled behind me when i eagerly opened the door to see what food awaited us inside. his room wasn't so big, he had a desk in the corner of it and a one person bed on the opposite side. the wood creaked as i zoomed closer to his desk where there was a large tray of tasty japanese food.

i was probably drooling at this point, but i couldn't care less. without even thinking i asked:

"what is all of this? can i eat it?"

reki came closer to me and took the tray with him as he sat himself on the bed, waving to me to come next to him. so of course i came.

i plopped myself onto the bed, waiting for reki to let me start eating.

"you're really hungry aren't you?" he said while he laughed. he didn't give me a chance to respond when he said "do you even know what these are?" he said as he pointed at all of the food.

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