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chapter fourteen

!slightly ungodly scenes ahead!

two weeks have passed since langa's mother found out about them and a since then reki had become more and more used to being open with him
and langa's relationship. they began walking to school together and the last few days they even held hands.

today was no different, but before they entered the school grounds reki himself pulled langa down by the neck to kiss him quickly. surprised, langa kissed him back, the kiss ending before it even started.

shocked, langa asked: "what was that for?"

"nothing, i just felt confident!" reki said, entering the school building.

the classes ended quickly and the two headed for the skatepark as they always do. today, langa could stay as late as he wanted with reki because one of his great aunts (which he'd never met) passed away and both his grandparents and his mother left for the funeral that was in a small town four hours away. his mother decided not to take langa with her because it would mean that he had to skip school to reach the town. his family would spend the night there and would only come back the next evening.

"do you wanna movie night or something today?" langa asked.

"sure! it's been a while since we've had one of those!" reki said, landing a kick-flip.

"you can spend the night if you want...." langa spoke again.

"okay. i'll just have to tell my mom but she won't mind."

the boys spent the rest of the afternoon skating and practicing their kickflips, and reki noticed how langa was getting better and better. he praised him and then praised himself for being a good teacher:

"so am i not the best teacher or what? look at what i've managed to teach you in just a few months!" reki said, beaming with pride.

"yeah, you are!" langa said, feeling good for the compliment he had just received but also grateful for having such an awesome teacher (who he could make out with) to teach him all those amazing tricks he had learned. he gently ruffled reki's hair and smiled, he would always remember the day he and reki first met. even if they didn't know each other, reki talked to langa as if nothing was wrong, he ignored his social anxiety and treated him like he was his friend, and langa would forever be grateful for that.

"we should head home though, it's getting pretty late." langa said, picking up his board as he watched reki do the same. they walked home, hand in hand on the empty streets. he was certain that he wanted to show reki just how grateful he was for him.

after they reached his house, langa locked the door and walked in. he got out some leftover pizza from the fridge and the two began to eat silently.

"so what do you wanna watch?" reki asked langa after they finished their food.

"you." langa said without hesitation. he expected reki to blush hardly, to hide his face or to just simply ignore him because he was too flustered, but what he said next really shocked him.

"okay." reki said, getting up from his seat. as soon as langa realized what his boyfriend said, he got up too and grabbed him by the back of his head, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss they were all
too used too. reki was standing in between langa and the table, he unconsciously used his hands to get out of the way the plates they just used to eat. he jumped onto the table, still not breaking the kiss.

langa moved his hands from reki's neck to his hips, while reki hooked his arms around langa's neck. the kiss was finally broken when langa stopped to take reki's shirt off as reki did the same to him, both remaining shirtless. as soon as the shirts were off they went back at it, kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.

after a few more minutes of them hungrily kissing, langa noticed how he suddenly felt like his pants tightened. he looked towards his pants and so did reki. he reddened instantly but didn't hide his face. instead, heart beating wildly, he asked:

"should we....go upstairs?" but he couldn't keep looking langa in the eyes after he realised what he  just said. of course, he didn't want to to back away, but he wasn't sure if langa wanted the same. he chuckled, looking at how cute his boyfriend was acting. he was so lucky to have reki.

"yes. let's. " langa said and helped reki get off the table. they rushed upstairs and into langa's room, hearts still beating rapidly.

without hesitation, like they could read each other's minds, reki got onto the bed and langa did the same, being on top of reki. they resumed their make out session with even more passion than before. they hands travelled all over each other, like they were discovering new territory. reki's hands reached across langa's faded abdomen, feeling his abs with curiosity while langa's hands were trapping reki in between langa's body and the bed.

stopping the kiss, langa moved his lips from reki's to his ear, gently biting it and making reki leave a heavy, rushed breath.

"...what are you doing?" reki asked langa, him being all new to these sorts of actions.

"did that hurt?" langa asked, now feeling concerned that he did something wrong.

"no! it's to me." reki said, getting slightly red after admitting that he had never done anything of the sorts with anybody.

"do you want me to stop?" langa asked reki, wanting to make sure that whatever he was doing was okay to reki. he wouldn't even dare to think about doing something reki didn't approve of, it just wasn't right.

"no." reki said and as soon as he finished speaking langa went back at it, this time discovering his neck. he gently bit the spot where the neck and the shoulder connected, softly sucking on the skin while being careful not to leave a mark. he knew how reki didn't want public eyes to pry on their relationship, so it just made sense for him to not leave anything that could point to a relationship between them.

as reki's heavy breathing was filling the room, langa was slowly moving his lips back towards reki's. starting from the spot where he kissed him first and making his way up to the jawline, where he stopped to place a few more kisses, before finally reaching reki's lips.

as they began to kiss again, reki slowly moved his leg up, his knee being in between langa's legs. he slightly grazed it against langa, making him make a quick and low sound into the kiss. liking langa's reaction, reki did the same thing again, noticing how langa started to have trouble maintaining the kiss now.

reki reached for langa's pants, but he hesitated. his hands remained on the fabric of the jeans while he looked at langa, straight into his eyes to see if he agreed with the move he was about to make. langa gently nodded, feeling so amazed of his boyfriend. he would never look at him in these types of situations, he would just redden in the face and look away, but for the first time he was confident as he looked at langa's face, searching for approval.

as he pulled langa's jeans off, he asked reki:

"are we about to do this?"


a/n: i cannot believe this book hit 1k already!!! i really don't deserve it! but, as a welcome, this and the next chapter will contain some spicy stuff so be ready!!

and i just want to say that i read every comment i get and they just make my day. i can't believe that people actually enjoy this book and i am beyond grateful for you guys!!!! thank you so much for your support and please just bare with me on this one, i'll be doing my best to give you good content!!!!

also, this being my first book and the next chapter being the first fruity scene i write, i am fully open to constructive criticism, so if u have any please feel free to comment them!!! enjoy your read and thank you again!❤️❤️

sorry for this long ass author note.

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