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chapter eight



langa had been ignoring reki the whole week, leaving reki all alone again. so he would spend almost the whole day on his skateboard to make himself feel better.

this day was no different, he was pushing himself down the hill, towards the skatepark yet again, with a backpack full of books from school swinging on his body. he went from school straight to the skatepark this time, not bothering to stop by home. he was enjoying the warm breeze of the spring air surrounding him as he sped towards the park. the sky was clear, unlike reki's head. he was burning with questions he didn't know the answers to. he was wandering why he liked their kiss so much and why he wanted it to happen just as much as langa did, but most importantly he was wandering if he liked langa the way langa liked him.

the arrival in the skatepark had interrupted his series of overthinking, taking his mind off of his dilema. he pushed himself towards the ramp, temporarily forgetting about his questions.

meanwhile langa was laying on his bed, thinking about his father. how langa would love telling his father about reki, about how he has feeling for him and he would love to hear his father's advice, him being the only one from the family that knew about his sexuality. he was sad that his dad's funeral was held in canada, so he wouldn't be able to visit him, but it was okay because he knew exactly that visiting his dad wouldn't fix anything. he got up and decided to finish his homework so he could have time to go to the skatepark later.

having finished his homework langa grabbed his skateboard, telling his mother that he would go outside for a while. he began to speed to the skatepark thinking that maybe skating could clear his mind.

while langa was making his way towards the skatepark, reki was thinking about the same questions that were making his head burn. as he was thinking about them, he came to a conclusion: he would much rather spend time with langa than apart from him, and that was a reason good enough to make langa stop ignorning him. so he jumped on his skateboard, speeding towards langa's house. he wanted to make his friend stop ignoring him, he wanted to stay by langa's side and wanted langa to stay by his. and when he would see langa he would like to hug him tight, telling him through that hug that everything would be okay no matter what. reki felt his face flush a bit at the thought of hugging langa, grabbing him by his waist while he leaned onto his shoulders, keeping him close.

as he was thinking about these things, reki didn't hear langa calling his name. he was on the other side of the road, but langa seemed really worried, and by the way he was calling him he was trying to warn reki about something. that's when reki realized what was going on around him, taking notice of his surroundings and of who was calling his name. but by the time he realized what was going on he saw a bright white light speeding dangerously towards him. he must have missed taking a right and went straight ahead, that road leading him straight into the populated streets, where cars rushed fast and with a dangerous speed. right before a car ran him over, he felt langa's hand grip his tightly, pulling him out of the way and onto the safety of the sidewalk. 

the car honked them loudly, making reki flinch. the way langa pulled him out of the road made reki fall onto the concrete, his hand underneath him. he closed his eyes, finally taking in the pain he felt as he collided with the sidewalk. he lifted his injured hand up, barely managing to do so. langa noticed that reki was hurt and sat down near him, examining his hand. there was no blood, which was good, but reki couldn't move his hand.

"i'm sorry.." langa said. those were the first words that he had said towards reki this week, which made reki mad because when he imagined their reuning that wasn't supposed to happen. he was supposed to tell langa that he had missed him and so much more.

"it's fine! you saved me from being hit by a car! and besides, there's nothing wrong with my hand." he said as he flung his hands forward to deonstrate that he was feeling just fine, but as soon as he tried to move his right hand he winced in pain. 

"let's go to the hospital." langa said, getting up and waiting for reki to do the same. it looked like langa had more to say, but he stopped himself.

without commenting, reki got up and followed langa to the hospital, none of them speaking a word.

after they got there everything happened in a quick rythm. a doctor fixed reki's hand, tying a peace of cloth around his neck and connecting it to his hand, telling reki that he did that to keep his hand still.

"normally i would put it in a cast, but because your hand wasn't broken, just fractured, you need to keep it like this for at least a week."

reki nodded and langa listened closely so he could take care of reki if he did something stupid.

"come here again next week so i can check your hand and tell you if you can remove the cloth."

"okay. thank you!" reki said and the two of them headed out. they exited the hospital and stood outside. the sun was setting, creating a beautiful athmosphere around the two, a warm wind brushing though langa's hair, exposing his full face. none of them had spoken a word to eachother since going to the hospital, so reki wanted to break the silence.


"what were you thinking?!" langa bursted, looking at reki straight in the eyes.

"what? i-"

"what if i wasn't there? what if that car had ran you over?" langa almost yelled, hurt and sadness enveloping his eyes.

"langa, i'm so sorry. i didn't realize where i was goi-" reki had reached a hand, well the only hand he could extend, towards langa in an attempt to comfort him, but the boy slapped it away.

"no! this is serious! what if something would have happened to you? you could have died too! what would i do without you-" his words stopped as tears started to flow down his cheeks. langa lowered his head in an attempt to hide his sadness, but reki noticed his tears.

langa tried to wipe away the tears but they just wouldn't stop flowing down.

that's when reki reached out with his only moving hand, putting it around langa's waist and bringing him into a hug. his friend hesitated before wrapping his hands around reki's neck and burrying his face in his neck, crying. reki hated seeing langa like that. he would have never imagined that he could make langa cry like that because of him and he hated himself for doing that to his amazing friend.

"please don't cry, langa. thankfully i'm safe, and it's all because of you. you were there to protect me and i wouldn't have it any other way." reki spoke in a soft voice. all that he said was true, he didn't lie just to make langa feel better because the truth was that reki realized in that moment that he needed langa.

still holding langa while he cried, reki took a second to examine the way his heart was beating. he had never experienced something like that before and it was scary but also so exciting because that's when reki realized that whatever langa felt for reki reki felt for langa.

reki smiled as he whispered "thank you, langa."

(a/n): as i was writing this i was listening to a thousand years by christina perri and now i'm in my feels ugh.

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