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chapter eleven

"hey langa?" reki asked from beside him on langa's bed.

the two were cuddling under the blanket on langa's bed while his mother was out of town. his grandparents were somewhere in the house, minding their own business.

"yeah?" langa asked. reki was laying down, half of his body on top of langa's. his head was laid on his chest, easily feeling his boyfriend's chest rising up whenever he rooms breath.

"have you ever been to the beach?"reki asked, lifting his head up from langa's upper body to look at him.

"nope." langa said, keeping his eyes onto reki's.

"wanna go?" reki asked, beginning to feel excited at the thought of the two of them spending time together at the beach.

"sure. when?" langa asked, still maintaining eye contact with him.

"how about now? like right now!" reki said, already getting up, dragging the blanket off of him and langa at the same time, earning a whine from him.

"now?! but i need to pack, and you need to pack too and we have to take a train and-"

"i will help you pack and i'll take one of your swimsuits and i'll google when the train leaves!" reki said, practically jumping on the bed.

"i don't know reki, why don't we wait until tomorr-"

"come on! it's gonna be fun!" reki said, jumping off the bed and opening langa's closet.

a few days have passed since the two of them got together and reki's hand was alright. not only that, but they felt more comfortable with each other as the days passed, the only thing left was telling their parents about each other. the two haven't talked about it yet, but they knew that sooner or later they would have to deal with.

"here! you'll wear this and i'll wear that!" reki said, throwing two different coloured swimming trunks on the bed.

"....okay then." langa said, getting up to get a bag to put their things in.

"and we're going to need sunscreen too, and towels, and-"

and the list went on and on. reki and langa spent about an hour more on packing to make sure they got everything they needed. they headed towards the train station and once they caught the train, langa fell asleep onto reki's shoulder.

at first reki was really stiff, as he wanted to keep langa comfortable but was too afraid to make a move because he didn't want to wake him up. after some time, reki adjusted his body so that he would be able to rest his head comfortably on top of langa's. unfortunately he couldn't fall asleep because he needed to stay awake in order to wake langa up whenever they reached their destination, but it still felt great being able to be with langa even in the small moments like these.

reki took out his phone quickly, snapping a photo of them so he could always remember the time he practically forced langa to come to the beach. reki still couldn't believe that langa's first time at the beach would be with him, and he planned to make it the best day langa had ever had.

once they actually reached the beach and they were able to relax langa had realized just how amazing being at sea is. the two of them spent most of their time splashing in the water, until langa felt a bit sick from the hotness of the sun which he wasn't used to.

"lay your head on me." reki said, extending his feet so that langa could place his head onto one of them, still laying down but at least a bit more comfortably.

"thank you." langa said, closing his eyes a bit. reki bent down a little and placed a quick kiss onto langa's forehead, leaving langa a tiny bit speechless. reki wasn't one to like public display of affection, not even in the slightest form, so it was a bit shocking for him. it is true that langa didn't like bringing attention to himself either, but he learnt that whenever he was besides reki he didn't care about who judged them and what people talked about him, he just felt amazing no matter what.

langa extended his hand towards reki's grabbing ahold of it and slightly squeezing it before intertwining his fingers with his. even if no words were spoken, reki understood that langa liked reki's small gesture and understood that it was hard for reki too express his feelings the way langa did.

"i'm already feeling better, can we go back in the water please?" langa asked, not wanting to spend even as much as a minute away from the sea.

"...okay then!" reki responded, but as soon as his words left his mouth, tiny water droplets started falling rapidly from the sky, not letting them step outside of the perimeter of their beach umbrella.

"well, i guess we can't anymore..." reki said, feeling sorry for langa after he noticed how down he looked.

reki suggested making a run to the changing rooms to which langa agreed. they rushed towards the private stalls that were situated at the entrance to the beach and changed into normal clothes. after that they lucked out as a train arrive at the station exactly when they did, and so it was now reki's turn to fall asleep on langa.

having reached their destination, the two of them got out,  

"....i should've checked the weather forecast.." reki said, feeling bummed out that he didn't get to spend more time with langa at the beach. he wanted his boyfriend to have more fun his first day at the beach and his plan gailed miserably, being ruined by the rain.

"it's okay, i still like it! living relatively close to the sea is so cool!" langa said, slightly smiling towards reki.

"but i wanted you to have the best day you've ever had! and we didn't even get to-" reki started ranting, wanting langa to know about his intentions.

"reki, every day i spend with you is the best day i've ever had." langa said, now stopping from walking towards his house making reki stop too.

" mean it?" reki asked, wanting to know if langa really had a great time with him.

"of course!" langa said, bringing reki into a tight hug.
reki hugged him back, feeling better knowing that langa enjoyed spending today with him as much as reki did with langa.

a/n: sorry for this short chapter, i've been really busy with school and i had no time left to write. i haven't even reread this chapter  because i barely had time to write it, so i hope a bit of fluff makes up for it. sorry for not being able to post in such a long time!

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