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part sixteen

winter break was just a week away, and reki didn't have any plans. however, langa was stuck between two ideas. he didn't know if he should go back to canada like his mother wanted or if he should spend the holidays with reki.

he was really exited about spending christmas and new year's with reki and he couldn't wait to go buy him presents, but he wanted to go back to the country he was born in and he wanted to visit his father's grave. and so, he didn't know whether he should stay in japan this year of if he should go to canada.

he knew that, even though his mother would let him stay home if langa wanted to, she would like him to come to canada along with her. it wasn't like langa didn't want to come, in fact, he kinda missed it too, but he really really wanted to spend time with reki also.

"langa. hey! langa!" reki called out to him. langa only now realized that he spaced out in the middle of the skatepark, right foot on the board, looking at the sky clear. he kept trying to figure out what to do about the incoming holiday.

"yeah?" langa said, clearing his head from
the thoughts that were occupying his mind. he would figure it out eventually, so he should stop worrying for the time being.

"you were spacing out again. is something wrong?" reki asked, kicking his skateboard up and placing it down so he could sit on it, motioning langa to do the same.

as he was sitting down, langa told him about his dilemma, to which reki responded:

"well... and that's only if you want to, but... i could come with you to canada?" reki said, looking at langa expectingly.

"really? you want to go so far away from
your home?" langa asked, surprised by his boyfriend's suggestion. he would have suggested that too, but langa didn't want to force his idea onto reki. he also knew that canada is really different from
japan, and wasn't sure if reki would enjoy his time there, because if he didn't, langa would only have himself to blame for ruining the holidays for reki by making him spend time in a completely different country, away from his house and family.

"yeah, sure. i'd like to see the place you grew up at. and i'm sure my folks wouldn't mind going with you for a week." reki said, smiling.

"well then it's settled! you're coming to canada with me!" langa said and gave reki a huge hug, making his skateboard move, resulting in reki losing his balance and falling on his back. langa, however, didn't let go of him and stumbled onto the concrete along with him, still hugging reki. even though reki probably didn't think that much of it, going to candace with langa made him extremely happy. it meant a lot to him that his boyfriend wanted to come to the country he was born with him.

as the week past, reki and langa grew more and more excited about their trip to canada. langa couldn't wait to show him all the attractions and have him taste all the amazing foods that were only sold in some specific shops there. he would maybe even make reki try snowboarding a few times, just for fun.

reki was excited too, he wanted to check out everything that canada had to offer so he could
find out more about langa and the way he lived for almost seventeen years.

so, as the last day of the school week flew by, reki and langa were both busy packing their bags. langa had spoken to his mother and she was okay with reki joining them, and reki's parents had no objections as long as reki would call them everyday and send them
pictures. they both made sure to pack everything they needed for a week in canada and met up at langa's house to wait for their flight.

"are you excited?" langa asked reki. the two were sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for a few more minutes to pass before they would go to the airport.

"yeah, nervous too." reki said, tapping his foot rapidly.

"really? why?" langa asked and placed a hand on reki's tight in hopes of calming his seemingly anxious boyfriend.

"i've never been on a plane before." reki said, calming his fast pacing foot after feeling langa's touch on his leg.

"it's going to be okay, we'll sleep for most of the flight anyways.  you really have nothing to worry about!" langa said.

reki was still a bit anxious, but he decided to not let it get to him.

langa's mother called out to them from downstairs, signaling that it was time to go. they each checked if they had their passports on them and if they've brought everything they needed before heading downstairs and towards the car.

after the arrival at the airport, langa had to explain to reki that he had no reason to worry about the flight because reki was becoming more and more anxious. after they checked their passports and got their luggages checked out, they headed towards the plane. each of them took a seat, langa and reki landing near each other while langa's mother was a seat in front of them.

they waited a few minutes until everybody took their seats, while reki was becoming more and more worried. his head was spinning and breath was speeding. langa tried to make small talk with him
to distract him, but nothing seemed to work.

the stewardesses announced that it was time for departure and as soon as reki heard the announcement he grabbed onto langa's hand, squeezing the life out of him.

of course, langa didn't mind. actually, he was beaming with happiness at the fact that he was able to offer reki the comfort he needed, even in situations like these. he pulled reki closer to his body, using one hand to wrap around his shoulders and the other one was for reki to squeeze as the plane took off from the airport.

reki had his eyes closed shut, waiting for the auto vehicle to move at a stable speed before finally opening them again and letting go of langa's hands. the plane had stopped going upwards and was now flying horizontally.

"see? everything's fine!" langa said as soon as his hand got freed. "look out the window!" langa said again, trying to distract reki from
overthinking stuff.

reki looked outside as langa suggested and he was mesmerized. he couldn't believe how high up they were and how beautiful the scenery was, he almost couldn't take it all in: how they were slightly above the clouds, so high up that he could see the sun clearly, that the neighborhood that seemed so huge to him was just a tiny dot onto the green field of buildings and cities. he was happy that he got through the departure and he was able to live these experiences along the person that he cared so deeply about, and even though taking the plane scared him, it was worth it, knowing that he will get to spend the next days in the country his boyfriend grew up

a/n: i'm so sorry that this lame ass chapter took so much to write. ik these are just excuses but not only do i have the worst case of writer's block, but school has become more and more stressing. everything's going to be fine once i finish the school year in three weeks, so bare with me please!!!

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