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 chapter six



the two boys were hanging around in the skate park, as per usual. reki was trying to teach langa how to do an ollie, but langa seemed to be having a hard time.

"it's not that hard, you just have to get the positioning right! come on you can do it!" reki said, trying to encourage his friend who was trembling onto the skateboard.

langa attempted to jump with the skateboard but only managing to move his feet, losing balance and tripping off the board, hitting his back on the concrete in the process.

"..ouch." he said, and after he got up he told reki that he didn't want to do that anymore.

"you can't skate without knowing how to ollie! i mean you can, but knowing how to ollie just makes skating so much easier!" reki said as he observed how langa was getting up, the latter sighing in exhaustion.

"but it's scary. i could break my back.." langa said with a scared look on his face. he was being serious about it, which made reki burst into a laughing fit.

"this isn't funny!" langa said, crossing his hands across his chest.

"y-yes it is!" reki barely managed to say before laughing hysterically again. 

langa formed a slight pout on his face, waiting for reki to finish laughing. a few months ago langa would have been sad about his friend laughing at him, but now he found it hard not laughing with reki. he didn't laugh though, because he was trying to prove a point.

"i...could hold your hands?" reki suddenly said.

langa felt a burst of hotness invade his face. reki held his hands once before, when he taught langa how to skate, so langa was confused as to why he was feeling like this now. why was he reluctant to holding reki's hands, but why was every inch of his body tingling to touch reki. hesitantly, langa placed his soft hands into reki's, already feeling safer than before. he attempted to do the ollie again, resulting in him losing balance again, but this time reki was there for him, holding his hands tightly and therefore saving him from yet another fall onto his back.

langa looked up from his feet after he regained his balance. he wanted to thank reki for saving him from falling, but was surprized to see reki already looking at him. he wasn't looking at his skateboard, he wasn't looking at his feet nor at his hands, he was looking at him, straight into his eyes.

langa looked back at him, feeling the thanking words leave his mouth, being replaced by a feeling of dryness. he suddenly became aware of how late at night it was, how the warm wind was slowly brushing through his hair and how they were completely alone in the park.

the more langa looked at reki the closer he felt to him and reki to langa. they felt a mutual feeling of attraction, like something pulled them both closer and closer to eachother, and as the feeling intensified, so did the tension in the air. without explanation, langa began to lean down slowly, as he was standing on his skateboard which was making him appear taller than reki. reki did the same without knowing why, and soon, the space in between them was almost non-existent. langa took a deep breath before opening his mouth just a little, tilting his head to the right ever so slightly before closing his eyes, his hands still into reki's.

reki closed his eyes too, slightly squeezing langa's hands before taking a last breath, preparing himself to lean in. he felt langa's hot and unsteady breath onto his face, just before a ringtone was heard, ruining the athmosphere the two had created. reki first freed his hands from langa's, then distanced himself by taking a few steps back, all in a quick motion.

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