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chapter five

reki had been struggling with being around langa, despite the fact that his friend wasn't really talkative

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reki had been struggling with being around langa, despite the fact that his friend wasn't really talkative. a full month had already passed since they became friends, and he noticed a slight change in langa's behavior around him after this time. it wasn't the fact that langa began to open up to him, even though it was a slow process. it was something else.

he didn't talk really much, but something in his presence had changed, and reki didn't know if it was just a feeling only he felt or if it was really langa that changed. something changed after the sleepover that reki couldn't find out.

needless to say, the mystery had been solved a few days after, when langa came over to reki's house to help him study for an upcoming english test.

the blue haired boy sat himself down on reki's bed, unpacking his backpack that was full of notes and notebooks that could help reki understand english better.

a few hours have passed in which langa did his best to teach and make reki understand english, but his friend still had quite some questions regarding his vocabulary.

"you're not pronouncing it correctly. it's behavior, you always forget to add the o. say it again." langa said, the tone in his voice becoming noticeably more annoyed by the second as it was his third time correcting reki.

"behaever" reki said in an attempt to pronounce the word.

"no! you have to say the o! like this-" he said before opening his mouth to form a weird looking "o" with his lips.

reki took a few seconds to mentally note the way his friend's lips were placed before he realized what sight was in front of him. inappropriate thoughts flooded his mind, leaving reki with a pinkish tint on his cheeks and a burning hot face. before he could cover his face up langa noticed his weird behavior and asked:

"is anything wrong?"

"uhm...n-no. i'll be right back!" he said as he got up to run to the bathroom, leaving langa by himself along with his thoughts.

after a few minutes had passed reki returned, not knowing that langa began to get alarmed by the tension in between them. he went into overthinking mode again. "he probably thinks i'm weird..", "he can't stand me can he..?" his facial expression changed and he had a frown plastered all over his face.

only after reki took a seat beside langa he noticed how uncomfortable he felt.

"langa are you okay?" reki questioned him, eager to find out whatever was bothering his friend.

"mhm.." he quietly mumbled, still thinking about how reki is probably keeping him close only for the free english lessons. 

"hey! look at me!" reki was now using a serious tone, looking at his friend straight in the eyes as he sat beside him onto his bed, the only thing keeping distance between them being their notebooks and post it notes scattered everywhere onto the bed.

langa stopped staring into space and focused his eyes onto reki, who could swear he had never seen such pretty eyes before. they sparkled a deep blue, like the ocean in the night, with scattered light in the iris like the starry sky reflected into the depths of the water. they seemed cold at first, scary and unwelcoming, but if you took your time to admire them you could feel a weird reassuring feeling, like the violent waves of the ocean had calmed to create one of the prettiest landscapes reki had ever seen.

he was so drawn into his eyes that he didn't notice how langa softly called out his name, questioning why he was just staring at him without saying anything.

he was about to start feeling self conscious again before he noticed how reki looked at him. it was an endearing look, like his eyes were seeking for something unknown, reki himself didn't know what it was, but the look he was giving langa was like he had found whatever he was searching for.

and that's when reki realized that it wasn't langa's presence that suddenly changed, but it was how reki viewed langa. which scared him, because he realized that he stopped seeing him as a friend. he didn't know what he was seeing him as, but he was greatly scared of that realization.

he snapped out of it when he felt langa's hands touch his shoulders in an attempt to bring him back to reality. reki was embarrassed to realize that he had been staring into langa's eyes the whole time, little did he know that that was just what langa needed, because he had realized something too from the way reki looked at him.

whatever doubts langa had and whatever insecurities bothered him the most, he was sure that reki would always be there to support him and help him through his difficult times. he was sure that he didn't have to worry about reki not liking him from then on because he knew for certain that reki would do his best to make him feel welcomed.

langa's train of thought had gotten interrupted by reki, who said:

"uhm... i'm sorry for staring..." as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "i actually forgot what i was about to say.."

"don't mind, it's fine!" langa said and reki was sure that that had been the first time that langa had comforted him, and not the other way around, which made him flash a big smile, showing all his teeth as a result.

langa looked at his face and smiled too. it was a genuine smile, full of admiration and fondness, as he had realized that he had reki and reki had him.

reki realized that he shouldn't be feeling scared of whatever was about to unfold in the future. he was ready to jump into the unknown for langa and langa for him.

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