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chapter ten

langa woke up earlier than reki. he looked around and noticed his surroundings, he was in reki's room, hugging reki from behind. he took a quick glance towards the clock that was sitting on reki's nightstand. it was 7:34 in the morning. reki's family wil probably come home soon.

langa got up from the bed, careful not to wake reki up. he went downstairs and saw that reki's mom was asleep on the couch. she must have been too exhausted from her work to go to her bedroom.

langa walked past her, towards their kitchen.

a few minutes later, reki was twisting and turning in his bed, not realizing that langa wasn't there with him. after a few more minutes of him shuffling to find a comfortable position, he realized that langa was no longer near him and jolted awake.

he noticed how it was already 8 o'clock and a storm of thoughts fled to his mind. he left didn't he. he must have been too embarrassed to show himself to my family after that. he got up from his bed and made his way towards the kitchen, where he could smell some delicious food being made. he thought it was just his mother preparing him and his sisters breakfast for when they come back home, but as he walked into the kitchen he was surprised to find langa chatting with his mother.

they were too busy talking to notice reki, so that gave him a few more minutes to take in what he was seeing. langa was making breakfast while his mom was talking to him, sitting at the table.

"oh, good morning reki dear!" his mother said to reki, making langa look towards reki. reki mumbled a good morning back and said a good morning to langa.

"langa was just telling me how you were such a dear, inviting him to another sleepover."

reki froze in his spot, looking over at langa who was just smiling at him.

"..oh-yeah, i invited him over." reki said and silence filled the room as langa turned away from them and towards the stove he was working at.

"so..what are you making, langa?" he asked to fill the awkward silence that was beginning to set between the three.

"i'm making omelette!" langa said as he placed the dish in front of reki and his mother.

they thanked him and began to eat, not before waiting for langa to take a seat at the table and grab himself a plate. they thanked for the food and began to eat.

after they ate, reki's mother announced that she was going shopping and left the two alone again.

reki was about to suggest watching some television but turned around and saw langa staring at his trembling hands.

"langa are you okay?" reki said, coming closer to him.

"'s just so stressful to talk to other people. especially your mother! i tried so hard to make it seem like i was casually making conversation with her but inside i was panicking so much." langa said, still glancing at his trembling hands.

reki, who still had his hand held by the piece of clothing around his neck, extended both of his hands towards langa, taking his trembling hands into his.

"it's okay! you did great! i'm sure she loves you anyway so you have nothing to worry about!" reki said, looking straight into langa's eyes to make sure he got the message. reki was sure that his mother loved langa and he appreciated langa so much more for not only making them breakfast, but trying his best to get along with his family members.

without any signaling, langa leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on reki's lips, making reki freeze in his position, blush evident all over his face.

"w-what was that for?!" reki said, still holding langa's hands that had now stopped trembling.

"nothing." langa said, grinning at the latter.

because i love you, langa wanted to say. and it was true, he did love his friend and he realized that just now because of the way reki held his hands with no hesitation and no other motive than to make him feel better about himself and to give him reassurance. he was going to get out of his comfort zone and make conversation with other people, even if he found it really difficult. he would do it just for reki because of his feelings, and he wanted reki to know what he felt for him. but he didn't want to say those words just yet because reki only came to terms with his emotions the day before and he didn't want to scare him away.

"....uhm so, wanna watch a movie or something?" reki said, trying to ignore the incident.

"sure, and stop using your injured hand!" langa said, slowly setting reki's hand down in the position he was meant to hold it.

"didn't the doctor say that i have to keep it in place at least a week? tomorrow marks the end of the week so it's not that big of a deal!" reki said, protesting.

"he said to come check it after a week and he said that he would decide if you can start moving it or if you need to hold it a bit more!" langa said, accentuating the word "he" to make sure reki understood what he was saying.

"fine! let's go watch some movies then!" reki said, heading upstairs to his room.

the two made their way onto the creaky stairs and into reki's room. the two of them sat down onto reki's bed, with a laptop on their laps.

reki was browsing the internet in search for a good movie to watch while langa was staring at his profile, adoring the way reki looked so concentrated on finding a movie.

"so what do you wanna watch?" reki asked, his eyes still glued to his laptop.

"you." langa said without hesitation. and he meant it. he would watch whatever movie reki wanted if it meant that he could steal glances towards reki and see him concentrated on the movie whenever a tense scene was on the screen.

"ha ha ha. very funny, now tell me what do you want to watch!" reki said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"i meant it though.." langa said after he shrugged his shoulders as an indication that he would watch whatever reki wanted.

without thinking, langa threw his hands around reki, bringing him into a big hug and kissing his cheek, making the laptop almost fall off his lap.

"langa! you can't keep doing this! it's not like we're...." and then reki went silent, making langa wonder what he was about to say next.

they weren't together, but they had feelings for each other, so they might as well be.

"langa, what are we?" reki asked, setting the laptop onto the bed so he could look at langa who stopped holding him.

"....i don't know." langa said.

"but we aren't a couple." reki said slowly, wanting to see what the other thought about the idea of a relationship.

"well, do you want us to be?" langa asked, already knowing how he himself would answer the question.

"i-i...wouldn't mind if we were..." reki said in a quiet tone, almost like a whisper, feeling embarrassed of what he truly wanted.

"reki.. will you be my boyfriend?"


"then, can i do this whenever i want?"


langa leaned in and kissed reki, this time a bit more passionate. he was relieved when reki responded to the kiss with just as much passion, if not even more.

pulling away from the kiss, reki said a breathy "yeah. you can." and langa smiled widely at him, already feeling better than he felt this morning.

"okay but let's watch the darn movie!"

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