Chapter 1

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February 18th 1997

It's a sunny and beautiful day in a small village near London. Children are on the playground laughing and giggling, playing hide and seek and just running around. A little distant from the group a little girl sat in the grass, picking up the flowers and braiding them into a small crown. Suddenly a shadow appeared behind the little girl. An older boy from the playground stood behind her and waited for her to turn around, but she didn't even bother to give him some kind of attention. The boy then grabs the hair from the little girl and screams at her: "you little loser, think you are better than all of us, playing on your own!", and flings her on the rough, hot asphalt. The girl slowly puts one hand on the ground, looks up to the boy and said: "that's because I am different." In that moment she put the other hand on the ground and suddenly everything began to shake.

The girls eyes, who where brown, now turned into green and as she stood up her hands started to glow. A massive wave of pressure was released, which lead to children laying on the ground, seasaws flipping over and buildings crashing down. In the middle of all this, was still standing the little girl. The other children started to run away and scream, crying for help. Now the playground was empty and the little girl was still standing there just focusing on one thing: her flower crown. She picked it up planted her fingers over it. "Hang on a Little more my friend, everything will be fine." , she said and the crown began to grow into a more beautiful flower tiara. She put it on her had and started singing a song, while leaving the destructed, empty, joyless playground. "When the flower meets the sun, water and fire become one, don't be afraid child, hush, hush, the end is near, no need for fear...."


The school bell brought Peter back to reality. "You coming man? We're gonna be late for class if you're gonna keep daydreaming." , said Ned. "Coming, just give me a sec." , answered Peter and put his bagpack on. While they walk to class, deep in a conversation, a teacher walked into the hallway. "Mr. Parker, either you left your head at home this morning, it looks like you want to skip class. Would you do us the honour and step into the classroom, so we can start the lesson now?". Peters eyes widened as he realised that Ned and him don't have the same class. "Shit..." , he wispered, turned around and with his head down he entered the classroom.

"Such a crackhead" Ned mumbled to himself, laughing and also made his way into class. As he came into the classroom he scanned the room, a brown-blond haired girl with brown eyes caught his attention. "Mr. Leeds, care to share the reason you are 5 minutes late and missed the introduction of our new student?" , said the teacher. "I- um I-, I forgot my book in the locker and went back to grab it?" , he answered very quietly. Mr. Richards rolled his eyes and pointed at the free seat next to the new student. "Moving on with context..." Ned went to his place and instantly turned to the girl, sitting next to him. "I'm Ned", he pointed out, " and usually never late." His hand was stretched out and the girl took it. "My name is Grace, Grace Lewis.", she answered and shook his hand.

Their conversation got interrupted rather quickly. "When you two are done with your little chitchat, it would be very kind if someone of you could tell me the answer to the question I asked." Mr. Richards frowned at them and released a little grun. When no one of them answered, the man turned around to the board again. "Kids these days." , he whispered. "Psst, hey... Grace, why are you wearing gloves? It's like spring." Ned pointed at the black gloves she was wearing. Shyly the girl looked at them, then made eye contact with her neighbor again. "A story for another day.", she replied and gave him a soft smile. The school bell saved them from the suffering of Mr. Richards class and the hallway was filled with students again.

Ned and Grace firstly walked together, then got seperated due to the amunt of people, so the new girl was lost again since her only "friend" was sweptaway with the wave of students walking to the cafeteria. As Peter walked down the hall to the cafeteria, as clumsy as ever today, he bumped into Grace. "Oh my god, I am SO sorry. I didn't see you, I was lost in my own thought to be honest.", he said while running his hand through his hair. She wave it off with her hand. "Don't worry, its fine. Plus, it's kinda tradition for the new girl, to bump into someone at her first day. My name is Grace by the way, Grace Lewis."They both let out a chuckle, him smiled at her. "Peter Parker."

"Well then Peter Parker why don't you help me find my way through this school, because I am really lost", she said. Peter started laughing and replied: " Sure, I'd love to. Oh wait your books are still on the ground." They both stoop down to get the books as their naked arms touch. Within seconds Grace collapsed and was unconscious. She heard Peter say: "Grace? Grace what's wrong?" , before everything went black.

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