Chapter 6

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Everyone suited up and was waiting at the platform. "Wait, I want to come with you.", Grace said. "No it's too dangerous.And we still don't know whats wrong with you, you need to stay here.", Sam said. "He's right, you have to stay here. Peter can stay with you, so you are safe.", Tony said. "But, Mr. Stark I-." "No buts here, you are staying, it's also too dangerous for you. We'll be fine." Peter walked to Grace, who still was standing with Steve. "Be safe, okay?" Steve said while squeezing her hand. Grace nodded. "You too Steve. Come back in one peace Rogers." "Wouldn't want it any other way." "Alright we've got to go now, you can chat later Cap.", Tony said. They all went into the Jet and flew away. "Lets go inside Grace.", Peter said putting his hand on her waist. She smiled. "Sure."

Shortly after the jet left the Avenger Tower Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce and Sam arrived at the battlefield in the center of New York. There were Robots flying through the air shooting buildings and causing distruction, fear and chaos. "Okay we've got to split up. Bruce, you'll go with Sam. Cap, you go with Natasha. I'll keep the ones in the air a little busy. If someone finds Loki, get this son of a bitch." Tony said. "Showtime Bruce. So how do you get angry? Should I hit you or what?", Sam asked. "No that's not necessary. I'm always angry.", he said, transformed into the hulk and let out a loud scream. Several robots turned around and flew their way. "Well that certainly has got their attention." Sam said and then flew up in the sky. After  half an hour of fighting there was still no sign of Loki and they realised that they are outnumbered. Suddenly a bright yellow light showed up on the horizon, taking 50 robots down at once. Vision came flying to the ground. "About time that you show up. We are getting our ass kicked.", Natasha said. "Sorry it took so long, they still had to get me." Clint said. Natasha ran to him and hugged him. "Good seeing you. How's Laura?", she asked. "Leave the chitchat up for later, I found Loki.", said Tony through the coms. "He's near the Avenger Tower." "Oh my god, Grace and Peter are there!", Steve shouted.

Back at the Avengers Tower Grace was walking through the living area. "Could you maybe sit down? You're kinda freaking me out." "Why haven't we heard anything from them yet? I mean they are 5 and Loki is one person?!" Grace said. "He's dangerous Grace, more than you -", he couldn't finish his sentence because suddenly the glass of the living are broke and Loki walked into the Avenger Tower. "Well, well if this isn't little Spidey and the famous Grace Lewis, pleased to meet you. I believe you've got something I want." She looked at him with disbelieve. "What- what could I possibly have that you want?!" Before Loki could say another word a red flow of energy threw him against a wall. "Stay. Away. From. Them." Wanda said. "Im so sick of you mitgardians. I am a GOD, know kneel or you will be destroyed!" Wanda slowly turned her had to the side, still watching Loki. "I don't think so.", she said and made him unconscious with a flow of energy.
Seconds later the other Avengers arrived at the tower. "Is everyone fine?", Tony said while walking to Peter and hugging him. "Yeah Mr. Stark, we are fine." Grace was still looking at Loki in thoughts till Steve walked over to her. "Hey, are you okay?", he asked. "Yeah, Im fine. Hey, you are back in one peace.", she said while smiling. They both started laughing and then suddenly a portal opened. Doctor Strange walked out of it. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you conscious Grace Lewis.", he said. "We need to talk."

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