After Credit Scene

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*At the same time*

Fury, Natasha, Bruce and Sam where at the Avengers Tower. Suddenly Fury's phone started ringing. He answered it and put it on speaker. "Fury, call the officers at the Raft.", Tony said. "Why?", Natasha asked. "Fot gods Sake just do it! Keep me on the line tho." Fury called Maria Hill. Nothing. He tried again. Still no answer. "Stark whats going on?", Fury asked. Tony sighed. "The alarms where sat off. I thought it might be a false alarm, but I guess things are getting out of hand there.", he replied. "Which alarms where sat off?", Fury asked. There was a short break. "Stark?!" You could hear Tony sighting through the phone. "All of them."

*Meanwhile at the Raft*

Guards where running around trying to save themselves and keeping the inmates in their cells, but there where too many. Maria Hill was laying on the floor, bleeding on her upper hip, trying to get up, but the pain caused her to fall back into the position she was laying on the ground. Suddenly a cloud of fog appeared all inside the halls. She heard footsteps of high heels walking down the stairs humming a melody. Maria only saw the shape of a woman with a trident in her hand walking up to her. She only had blurred vision, so she couldnt identify the person standing in front of her. All she saw was ice blue eyes glanzing at her. Then she got knocked over with a hit from her. The woman walked up to a cell, where an inmate was still sitting in. "You are just the person I've been looking for... Gamora, daugther of Thanos." Gamora looked up to the woman. "And you are?" "The death of the Avengers."

*Back at the Avengers Tower*

"Still no sign of Maria?", Natasha asked. "Im trying to access the security cameras, but its just not working...", Bruce replied. Suddenly a Video tape opened itself on the Monitor and the woman with blue eyes was staring into the camera. "Well hello to finally meet some of you...", she started saying and everyone started looking at the monitor. "Now that I have your attention this will be my last and only warning: Watch out for yourself, because I am going to kill every. single. one of you. So enjoy your days as they last, because darkness may have risen on you, but oh boy I feel a storm coming upon you... And this is final- this is your endgame." The woman winked into the camera and the monitor went black again. "Who the hell was that?", Bruce asked. "I have no idea...", Fury replied when he got a text from Tony. "Shit..."

Hey everyone, this is the last scene from this book. I really hope you enjoyed reading it and stay tuned, because on the 1st of June the new Story will be uploaded. From then I will post a chapter each week. If one week is skipped, I will post two chapters the following one.
Hope you all are doing well :) stay safe and stay tuned ;)

Love you all 3000❤

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