Chapter 16

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"No, this is a really bad joke here, no ones going to die today.", Quill said. Gamora took his hand. "This definitely is no joke, Peter." Nebula was sitting on a rock a little further away from them. "I'll do it.", she said. Both turned to her. "Solution found.", Quill replied while pointing at her. Gamora looked at him in shock. "No, definitely not!", she walked over to Nebula. "You deserve a second chance in life, I won't let you do it. I'll do it." Quill and Nebula both shout out:"No!" He walked over to her. "Are you crazy?! You will not jump! I still need you.", Quill said. "Peter, I had a second chance, a second family. She deserves a shot at it too." Quickly she nocks Quill out and runs towards the edge.

Shuri, Bruce, Wanda and Vision where in the lab in Wakanda figuring out, how to get the mind Stone out of Vision without killing him. "So that's the plan. I'll prepare everything and we can start whenever you are ready." , Shuri said to Vision. "I'm ready when you are.", he replied.
Steve and Bucky where standing outside watching the landscape. "So, how have you been Steve?", Bucky asked. He laughed. "You would not believe all of the things that happened." Steve looked up to the sky. "Missing Peggy?" "Actually not. There is someone else I'm thinking about.", Steve replied. "Her name is Grace." "Is she special?", Bucky wanted to know. Steve nodded. "She is very special. I have never felt something like that before for a person. I think I-.", he couldn't finish his sentence. A portal opened and Doctor Strange appeared. "Steve Rogers, you need to come with me."

Thor, Tony and Grace arrived at Nidavellir. "So this is where your hammer was made?", Grace asked. "Yes, it's also the home of dwarfs.", Thor answered. Tony and Grace looked at him with disbelief. "You're kidding, right?", Tony asked. "No, they are real. Some of them have to be here. Wait, I'll go look for them.", Thor replied and left. "Wait! And he left us alone on a weird planet in the universe, great.", Tony said. Grace giggled. "Afraid Stark?" He frowned at her. "Never.", he replied. Suddenly Grace stopped. "Tony, Thor, come here for a second." They both came and looked at a mold in handshape. "Looks, like he really got his glove.", Tony said. Grace looked at Thor. "Any luck finding the dworfs?" He shook his head. "They're all gone. Some of them dead. I wonder what happened here." She put a hand on his shoulder. Suddenly they heard a noise and all turned around. "Who is this?", Tony asked. "Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos.", someone said. "Not going to happen.", Grace said and her eyes turned green. Tony had already put on his suit and Thor changed into his fight outfit. "Grace Lewis, what a pleasant surprise." She looked at the person confused. "How do you know who I am?" "That doesn't matter. But you and your loved ones are going to suffer in this very moment."

*Sorry for not posting this last few days, spend some time with my family. I hope you all had a great Easter and are healthy :). *-J

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