Chapter 35

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Steve walked towards the woman. "How do you know my name?", she asked. "It really is you.... Oh my god I thought you where dead." "Im sorry, but who are you?", she asked. "You... You don't remember me?" Grace looked at him. "Wait... You are the person in my dreams... I remember you!" "Your dreams?", he looked confused. "Mommy!", the kid in Steve's arm said and fidgeted around. Steve let her go and she ran into Graces arms. "Thank you for saving her. I'm sorry what's your name?", Grace wanted to know. "Steve, Steve Rogers." "Thank you, Steve Rogers." Suddenly Natasha ran around the corner. "Grace?" Through the coms everyone screamed: "GRACE?!" They all came to the location and stared at her. "Oh my god you have a child.", Tony said. "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone of you... But thank you for saving us from these people, we really are grateful." She turned around and wanted to leave. "Wait!", Steve yelled. He ran over to her. "This might sound weird, but can you please come with us.... I ... We need to talk to you." Grace looked around and saw all the destroyed buildings. " I have to help these people, I can't and what about Brooke?" "Please just a few days and you can take Brooke with you. Please..." Grace nodded after a while. "Lets go then."

A few days have past now and Grace spend a lot of time with Steve and the others, Brooke was already loved by everyone. "So the results show, that Hydra took her memory and her powers, there's no sign of it anymore in her body.", Bruce said. "Will she ever remember us?", Steve asked. "I don't know. I mean she said that she saw you in her dreams, so that are some of the memories, but she doesn't really remember you. Maybe it would help to bring her to the places you made memories together. I mean you are soulmates." Steve nodded and walked over to Grace, who was in the living area with the others and Brooke. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second, maybe go for a walk?", he said to Grace. She turned to the others and saw how loving they are playing with Brooke, then nodded to Steve and they went outside for a walk. "So... what did you want to talk to me about?" "I know, that these past few days must have been hard, trying to remember everything that seems so strange." "It really is strange in a way, but it also feels like home. I feel very safe in here and I don't even know why. And you..." "What about me?", Steve asked. "You Are just the sweetest person I know. The way you handle Brooke is just amazing, you immediately connected. You just seem so familiar to me and I don't know why or how." "I want to show you something." They walked a little further and stood in front of a lake. "Here was our first real date. We where having a picnic and where eating-" "Strawberry's.", she ended his sentence. "You remember?" "No... It was one of my dreams. I ate strawberry's and threw some in your mouth. Then you looked me deep in the eyes and kissed me passionately." Grace looked into the distance. "That was one of my favourite dreams." Steve sighed and looked down. "I'm sorry that I can't remember things. I would love to, but I just can't." "It's fine... Don't worry, maybe someday it will come back. But I've got one question tho.", Steve said. "What is it?" "Who is Brookes father?" Grace was quite. "I don't know... I woke up in an dark alley, alone with only my passport. I lived my life and then I was feeling nauseous all the time, my belly got bigger. So I did a pregnancy test: it was positive of course. But I still don't know who the father is." She looked into Steve's eyes. "She has your eyes... I always loved that colour." Grace smiled and looked down as Steve pulled her head up softly, held her face with his hands and kissed her. He pulled away and went with his hand through his hair. "Sorry... I just-" Grace started kissing him again and they kept kissing each other when she suddenly pulled back out of breath. "What's wrong? Are you okay?", he asked worried. She looked at him. "Steven Grant Rogers." "What?" "Your full name is Steven Grant Rogers.... I remember... I remember everything."

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