Chapter 19

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Thanos stood up after a while, as he saw another space ship on the sky, one of his own. After it landed and the door opened Grace walked out of it and joined the others. "Where in gods name where you?", Tony asked. "I had to take care of something.", she responded and then turned to Thanos. He looked at her, reached out his arm and opened his hand. Grace started walking towards him as Thor stepped in her way. "You are not going there." She looked at him. "You can't  stop me." "Then let us two come with you.", Tony said. Grace nodded and turned to Doctor Strange. "Where's Steve?", she asked him. "At the Tower, safe.", he replied. "Lets get this party started boys.", Grace said and walked towards Thanos, followed by Tony and Thor. As they arrived Thanos made a step towards Grace. "Grace Lewis, good to see you again. You really did not disappoint me." She looked at him confused. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He laughed. "You don't remember? I sent you to infiltrate them, to bring me the stones, made you forget your power so you can gain their trust." She started to panik. "The dreams I had.... They are my memories?" He put a hand on her shoulder, which made Tony and Thor stepping closer to her. "Remember.", Thanos whispered in Graces ear. Suddenly every memory came back from the time before she met the Avengers. She fell to the ground. Thanos then turned to Tony and Thor. "I see you are her guardians. Your assistance is no longer needed, she will come with me now." "She is not going anywhere.", Tony said and pointed his hand towards Thanos. "You will see.", he replied and turned away, sitting on the stone again. Tony crouched down to Grace. "Hey kid, I know this is a lot to take in, but you are good. You have a good heart I know it." She raised her head as she heard another voice. "Grace... Hey, it's me Peter. Come on get up." As he touched her shoulder a wave of energy was released, which threw Thor, Tony and Peter meters away from her. Grace stood up and turned around towards them. Peter  whined as he still talked to her. "Please Grace, it's us. We are your friends, your family." With tears in his eyes he walked towards her. "You are my friend..." "Peter, don't!", Tony screamed as Thanos was walking towards him. "You are some brave little boy." He turned to Grace and said: "Finish him and come to the ship then." He whispered something in her ear, which made Graces eyes turn green. She started walking towards Peter without saying anything as she drained power from the ground and formed it into a ball. Thor ran in Peters direction. "No!", he screamed. From that energy ball, Grace separated something, threw it at Tony and hit Peter with the rest. Peter flew threw the air and hit the ground not moving. Grace turned around to Tony, who was now sitting next to Peter, holding him in his arms. "Page 402.", she said and walked into the spaceship where Thanos was waiting and flew away.

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