Chapter 32

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Steve woke up still laying on the balcony. His head was hurting and he couldn't see everything clear. As he tried to stand up he fell down again. "Grace?" He screamed. There was no answer. "Grace?!", he screamed again, this time he started to panic. Suddenly he didn't feel dizzy anymore and jumped up, ran through the house screaming her name. She was gone. Steve went to his phone and dialed a number- No Signal. "Shit!", he threw his phone through the room. Then he ran to the car and drove back to the Avengers Tower. Everyone was sitting in the living area when suddenly Steve stormed into the building. "Someone took Grace!", he said. "Wait, what do you mean someone took her?", Natasha said. "Someone took her, we need to find her now!" Steve screamed at her. "Hey, calm down okay." Bucky walked to him and put his hands on Steve's shoulders. "She's going to be fine, we will find her okay? Lets go outside so you can have some fresh air." They walked outside and Bucky gave Tony a look and mouthed. "Find her." Tony nodded and said to Bruce: "Lets go look for her."
Bucky and Steve where standing outside as Steve broke into tears. "I can't lose her Buck. I just can't." "We"ll find her and you are going to have a happy life together." Steve buried his face in his face and wiped away his tears. Tony walked outside. "We don't know where she is yet, but we can access what she sees. Bruce implanted a chip. With that we can track down where she is. You want to watch?" Steve nodded and walked inside with them. Everyone was now in the lab waiting for Bruce to access the chip. Suddenly a picture appeared on the screen. They saw a rather dark room, very less light and some people with coats and protective goggles. One of them had a syringe in his hand. They heard Grace whining. "Please... let me go..." The man with the syringe came closer. "No, no, no, let me go please! Steve!" She screamed out in pain.
Steve closed his eyes to hold back his anger. "I found her location!", Bruce said. Everyone suited up and immediately went to the location. They stormed the building, but it was empty. "She has to be here.", Bruce said. "Maybe there's a basement.", Wanda replied. "I'll go look." Steve walked to a door and saw that there where stairs leading downstairs. "Found something.", he said through the coms. "Hold your position, we're coming.", Tony said, but didn't get a reply. "Hello? God damn it Rogers." Steve walked down the stairs into the room everyone saw on the screen. One person was standing there, cleaning everything up. As he noticed Steve he wanted to run, but Steve was faster and captured him. "Where is the girl! Where is she!", he pint him on the ground as he saw blood. "Who's blood is this?" Steve started panicking. "We tried to safe her, it was too late. The girl didn't make it. I'm just here to clean everything up, please.", the man replied in fear. Steve fell back. "She's gone?" His breathing got heavier and shorter, he started feeling dizzy. "Who do you work for?! Who took her?!" He tried to keep a clear mind. The man then started smiling. "You really are clueless. Then he took a pill out of his pocket looked at Steve and said: "Hail Hydra." "No!", before Steve could stop him the man took the pill and foam came out of his mouth. Steve leaned back on the wall as the sentence echoed in his mind: "The girl didn't make it." The others came running into the room and saw Steve sitting there, not moving and a man laying dead next to him. "Where is she? Where is Grace?", Tony asked worried. Steve stood up, slowly walked over to Tony and as he walked passed him he said: "Dead."

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