chapter 9

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au// wow people are reading this now? wow :)

tw//homophobia smh

After hours of cleaning the kitchen, karl sat down, sighing. He was lonely, but who could blame him? His fiancé was over thousands of miles away, and he wanted to be loved and shown affection towards. Karl ran a hand through his hair, the house sounded and felt so empty. When quackity visited, karl forgot slightly about his loneliness. He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, and pulled it out. It was a facetime call from sapnap.

He answered it with a cheerful smile, "Hi angel!" sapnaps lips curved at the sight of his happy fiance. "I miss you. So much, it's so boring here.. I get my dress fitted later today but I wanted you to be there. But I guess it works since my dress will be a total surprise!" Sapnap nodded along, "I know.. Well at least my mom seems to be doing better, the doctors said she might be able to go home soon, which means-"

"you would too!! Oh my god I'm gonna pray hard that she gets well, I miss your stupid face." karl stared longingly as sapnap chuckled,

"You know you love me."

"oh I know, you can still be stupid." Sapnap rolled his eyes, then turned to the sound of his name being called.

"Oh, the nurses want to talk to me. I'll talk to you later, you beautiful idiot. Mwah!" karl kissed the camera with a pleasant grin, and the call ended. Karls heart ached, that call didn't feel long enough, and he craved the way sapnap held his face gently, the way sapnap grinned softly when they kissed passionately, the way sapnap held karl tightly, even in his sleep, the sound of sapnap's singing, the way sapnap's face light up instantly when he saw karl, even the mere existence of sapnap made karl's heart flutter. If he told anyone this, he knows he would be called a simp.

So he writes it down in a journal. He's been writing in it since he met sapnap. He planned to read it to sapnap at their wedding, a perfect gift. He walked upstairs, and opened the secret cabinet where the journal layed. He opened it, flipping through the pages. He opened to an empty paper, and scribbled out, "you called me, and just your smile was enough to make my day. I miss you so much, I crave you like a drug."

It was stupid, but he knows sapnap would smile gently at it. He meant every word he wrote out. His phone dinged with a notification, "dress fitting." He smiled brightly, he was so excited for a dress, let alone a wedding dress. He locked the notebook away, and went to grab his keys. He hummed Sweater Weather as he drove towards the boutique. He went inside, "Hi I have a reservation? For jacobs?" The lady at the front desk lowered her thin wired glasses, looking him up and down with a harsh eye.

"Sit there, Jacque will see you shortly." His stomach tumbled a bit at the looks he received but sat down. He scrolled through his phone, looking at design ideas of the dress.

"Jacobs?" A man, who he assumed was Jacque spoke bitterly, standing there with his coffee and clipboard. His hair was slicked back with a gel and he smelled of French cologne. The smell made karls nose twitch, it was too strong. His posture was impeccable and his lips were thin. He looked strict, and frankly, looked like a vampire. Karl stood eagerly, the man raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize that the bride has to be here for the dress fitting."

"Oh, I see. I'm here because I'm getting a dress." The man choked on his coffee, an assistant bringing him a napkin instantly.

"You? You are a male! Males do not wear dresses." Karl shifted the pressure from one leg to another, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Well, I'm wearing a dress. And I'm a male. Now can we please fit it?" Karl started to sound a bit desperate, he just wanted a dress. "No."

Karl tilted his head, "why not? Don't you want to get payed?"

"I would never, will never and could never make a dress for a man, it's preposterous." Karl felt sick, but he also felt pissed.

"More preposterous then your hair? Who even wants a dress from you homophobic people. I bet you would get mad when I tell you I'm marrying a man." Jacque went through all 5 stages of grief as karl talked.

"A man? Did your parents drop you on your head as a child?'' Karl felt his heart drop. "No, did yours teach you to be a stuck up homophobe?"

"No, my common sense did."

"guess what, asshole, my fiancé is more of a man than you could ever be. So shut your stupid petty mouth, and get a life. I'M MARRYING A MAN. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT." karl fumed as he slammed the door to the boutique. He walked down the street to his car, and climbed in. He dropped his head onto the steering wheel, making the horn press excessively. Sapnap would've rubbed karls shoulders, telling Karl that what he did was right, and he was proud of Karl for standing up for himself. He yearned for sapnaps affection, he felt lonely and bitter. He pulled up google, looking for a boutique. He found one called Niki's, and shrugged.

They were open, might as well take a look. He started the route, playing the song Turn Back Time as he drove. He pulled into the parking lot which was empty besides one other car. He locked the doors, and walked inside. "Oh coming!" a girl with blonde hair spoke up, she was in the corner, sewing lace onto a dress that looked like a princesses. Karl felt his eyes widen in amazement,

"did you make that?" "yeah, I'm trying to fix it, it looks really bad." her german accent was laced into her sentence, she had a soft voice.

"No! Don't change it, it's beautiful." The woman smiled at karl thankfully, and stood up, "I'm niki, how can I help you?" karl cracked his knuckles, "I'm getting married, and I want a dress." Niki's face lit up immediately,

"ok! You have the perfect body for a dress, come here!" She pulled karl over to a platform and he stood on it. "Get in a comfy position, I'll be measuring for a while. You got the afternoon to spare?"

Karl nodded, "of course." Niki grinned happily, measuring his hips. "Any music you'd like to hear?" she asked, connecting her phone to the overhead speakers. "I got a playlist, its called, preserved strawberries, cause they're jams, if that makes sense. Could you play that please?" karl requested and she nodded, scrolling onto the playlist and ultimately playing Hayloft by Mother Mother. Karl hummed along as niki measured his body.

"So, who are you marrying?" "I'm marrying this guy named Sapnap. He's so amazing." Karl smiled at the thought of sapnap kissing karl during a walk they went on a few weeks back. "Awe, gay rights!" Niki clapped, and karl laughed, "I'm so glad you're not like the last guy I went to, he was so pissed that I wanted a dress, and was mortified when I mentioned I was marrying a man." Niki softly apologized, "I don't know why people can be so rude. I'm bi, so I'm definitely not going to get mad at you." karl smiled as she measured. He could tell how much she cared about this. "Can I show you some photos I have for a base?" niki nodded and karl went onto his Pinterest board, showing her his ideas.

"Ooh, I have a thought. Stay still." About 4 hours later, karl fell asleep standing up. Niki finished her 2nd cup of coffee, sewing a bit more. "Don't worry karl, I have a few more things to sew together and then I'm done." Karl nodded, barely able to stay awake.

"Ooh you're going to love it! I mean, I hope you do.. I love it, so," Niki yawned, and snipped the thread. "Ok, look in the mirror." Karl sleepily turned, and immediately his jaw slacked, hanging open. "There's no way you did this in 4 hours- niki this is so pretty! I love it!!" Karl spun around, giggling at the beauty of it. "I love it, so much. Thank you." Karl hugged niki, making her smile. "Let me take it off for you, and we can discuss the cost."

As she gently hung up the dress, karl pulled out a checkbook, and wrote out 5,000 dollars. He handed it to niki and she did a double take. "Karl it costs 500 I said, not 5,000!" Karl laughed, "you deserve the 5,000. Thank you so much." karl grabbed the dress which was sealed, hugging Niki again.

"Thank you for being such a good customer." Niki waved as karl skipped to the car, happily looking at his dress. Everything from the sleeves to the lace was perfect, it was everything karl imagined, and somehow more. 

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