chapter 2

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I quickly entered the greenhouse and sat down next to my best friend, Seamus.
"You took so long today, I thought you wouldn't come again," he said handing me a smile.
Seamus Finnigan, 15 years old, Gryffindor, half-blood, brown hair and blue eyes. Kind and funny. We've been best friends since first year, he was one of the first people I spoke to at Hogwarts. He has a special talent: he can make explode almost anything he toches.
"Class is over late," I said quickly. I didn't want to tell him about my post-lesson meeting, it meant absolutely nothing and class was about to start.
Before Seamus could retort the teacher, Professor Sprout, spoke.
"Okay guys, today we are going to talk about the Puffagiolus Saracenus, does anyone know what that is?" immediately Hermione, one of my closest friends, raised her hand and replied "The Puffagiolus is a climbing plant that looks like any beanstalk, the difference is that during the period from September to December its pods give off a bright pink phosphorescent glow."
"Very good Miss Granger, 5 points to Gryffindor" said the teacher, earning a satisfied expression from Hermione.
"Can anyone tell me why the beans from this plant should be handled with care? For example..." the professor began scanning the room for someone who could answer her question.
As soon as I realised what the teacher was doing, I thought of looking away, as many students were already doing. But, too late.
"Miss Kenns," Sprout said, looking me in the eye with a smile.
I heard Seamus chuckle to himself, which earned him a dirty look from me.
"Maybe because it's an instant plant(?)" I said uncertainly. 
"Right!" said the teacher immediately.
"From the moment the bean touches the ground the plant starts to sprout. Another 5 points to Gryffindor," I turned to Seamus, giving him a smug look.
"Since I want to avoid accidents, we'll just study in the textbook."
An overlapping of murmurs began as the students bent down to pick up their textbooks.
As soon as I opened the book I realised it wasn't mine.
"Adrian Pucey," I said under my breath to myself, reading the name written on the first page of the book.
"Did you say something?" asked Seamus not taking his eyes off the pages of his own book.
"No" I cut off the conversation and his curiosity before they could even arise, opening the book to the right page.
~So his name is Adrian and he's in the same year as me since we have the same book~, I thought to myself.
I started to fantasize with my mind for the rest of the lesson.

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