chapter 21

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As soon as I woke up, I looked at the time and immediately got dressed and ran to the Great Hall.

I was late, it was only a few minutes before breakfast was over and I was very hungry.

I arrived in the Great Hall and sat down at the almost deserted Gryffindor table. In fact almost the whole room was deserted considering the hour.

I started to eat my usual breakfast, milk and biscuits, and as with every prasto I looked around.

I was heartbroken when my gaze met Bianca's, and as soon as she noticed, she gave me a hurt look, got up and left.

My eyes, now full of pain, followed her, and as soon as she was out of the door I looked down at my cup and dipped a biscuit in my milk, trying to suppress the pain.

However, feeling watched, I looked up again and noticed Adrian, who as soon as he realised I was looking at him turned his attention away from me with difficulty.

Even more heartbroken, I quickly finished my breakfast and left, still feeling his gaze on me.
I don't know what to call it. It wasn't one of the usual looks we gave each other.
It was full of sadness, but longing.

As I continued walking back to the Gryffindor tower, I made up my mind.
After class I would deliver those letters.

Classes passed quickly, and at lunch Oliver gave us his usual speech, which he would surely repeat before the game.

We had reached dessert when a paper aeroplane, enchanted with a spell, landed near me.

Curious, I took it and gently opened it.
Good luck today.
I wasn't very lucky yesterday, although your presence helped me.
Maybe next time if I'm sure you'll cheer for me, maybe wearing something blue, or even better, one of my sweatshirts, I'll win. R.D.

I looked up and saw Roger with a smirk on his face.
~seriously he even thought I was rooting for him?~

Not knowing what to do I removed my gaze, and my eyes landed no less than on Adrian, who was giving Roger a murderous look, clutching his fork so tightly that his knuckles were all white.
If looks could hurt, Roger would be dead by now.

Once again my thoughts fell on the letters. I absolutely had to get a move on and deliver them.

As soon as we were dismissed, I ran to my room, took the letters and started to read them again.
But after not even two lines I stopped, if I kept reading them there was a risk that I might change something, as they would literally determine my future, and that must not happen.
Those letters had been written with an open heart, as if I had it in my right hand while my left hand was writing, that was all I had to say and do, to express my feelings.

I locked them up and started running again, this time towards the dungeons.

I was near the transfiguration classroom when I saw, through Sir Nicholas, two big, scary yellow eyes, and suddenly I could no longer move, think or breathe.

I was petrified.

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