chapter 12

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The next morning I got up very early.
6.30, I couldn't sleep any more.
Thoughts were bombarding my head more than ever.

I opened my eyes with difficulty, as they were still swollen from crying the night before.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and decided that the best thing to do was to take a nice, refreshing shower.

I turned on the shower and undressed while doing so.

The shower was quick, but pleasant.
I didn't think much, fortunately, as I was used to doing in the shower. I simply thought how nice it would be if my life flowed as easily as the water does on my body.

When I got out of the bathroom I dried myself and started to put on the clothes I had taken from the wardrobe just before entering the shower.

After putting on my uniform I decided to put on a little make-up to disguise my shocked face.
Makeup wasn't really accepted at Hogwarts, so I just put on a BB cream to cover up my pale complexion and a bit of mascara, since I thought it hid my dark circles a bit.

I looked at the clock 6.54, it was still early.
My companions' alarm clock was going off at 7 o'clock.
But at the exact moment that 6.55 a.m. was struck, my watch went off.
Training, I had forgotten!

I quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a T-shirt and started running towards the Quidditch pitch.
I wasn't late. Barely but not late. It was 6.59am and the whole team was already there.
Except for Fred and George, who, as soon as I turned to go back from the broom closet, ran me over, and all three of us fell to the ground.

"Move along you three!" shouted Oliver, already in the air on his broom.
"Sure, because we're having fun," I shouted back ironically, causing the twins to giggle.

The workout passed quickly thankfully and allowed me to clear my head of thoughts for at least an hour.
I immediately ran back to my dormitory, took a shower, my second of the morning, and put on my school uniform, which I had hurriedly thrown on my bed.

I couldn't help but notice Adrian's jumper lying, neatly folded, on a puff next to my bed.
Immediately a sad expression appeared on my face and as soon as I noticed it I decided to try and chase it away.

I decided not to go to the Great Hall, to avoid all the inevitable problems I would face. Fortunately I was not very hungry.

I quickly grabbed a book from my small bookshelf to entertain myself and started downstairs to the schoolyard.
Fortunately I did not meet anyone on the way. It was still early.
I sat down under a tree and started to pick up the book I had brought with me.

~Fantastic!~ I thought to myself sarcastically.
Romeo and Juliet, I couldn't have picked a more appropriate book for the situation.

I put the book down and started looking around for something better to do.
But unfortunately there seemed to be no better solution.
I plucked up courage and began to read the book.
I had already read it, considering that it is one of the most famous English dramas, but I never got tired of it, each time I got more passionate.

I love reading, it's one of those things I could do for hours and never stop.
In fact, I didn't notice the time as it started to go by faster and faster.

I was getting more and more immersed in the Shakespearean play, when someone called out to me.

I finally lifted my head from the book and saw Neville.
"Hello Neville."
"Where have you been? You weren't in the Great Hall. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything's fine - how I wish it were true - I was here reading. Because what time is it? Is it late?" I began to fidget, as my first class was with Professor Snape, who is renowned for his easy punishments.
"No it's fine, it's only 8.37" I let go a sigh of relief.

"I was just worried because today is Halloween and they were serving pumpkin pie for breakfast, and I remember well how obsessed you are with it."
"No please tell me that's not true" I said putting my hands over my face.

I had literally been waiting a year for Halloween to come around so I could eat that delicious cake.

"Luckily I managed to save a few pieces" he said starting to sit down next to me.
"Here" he said once he was seated, handing me the cake wrapped in a handkerchief.
"Thank you thank you thank you" I hugged him before taking the cake and starting to eat it.

As soon as I finished we were forced to say goodbye and head off to our first classes.
For him muggle study, for me potions.

I had forgotten that we had that lesson with the Slytherins, so I would have to see Adrian.

On the plus side, being paired with Bianca, his cousin, we were practically across the room from each other.
I entered the classroom just before class started and sat down next to Bianca, ignoring Adrian's gaze, which was fixed on me.

Unfortunately, during the conversation I was having with Bianca, about the latest school gossip, it was really hard to avoid Adrian's eyes, which hadn't left me for a second since I entered the classroom.

However, it was all interrupted by Professor Snape, who walked in, slamming the door behind him.
He made his way to his desk, with all of us staring at him, and slammed his books down on it.

"Given your poor performance I have decided to change the working pairs," he said with an impassive tone and expression.

Bianca and I immediately looked at each other. Neither of us wanted to leave the other. But we did.
Snape started listing the new pairs.

I was terrified that I would end up with Adrian, since like the previous year the pairs were Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"Kenns and Warrington," the teacher said pointing to a desk.

Luckily for me I wasn't with Adrian, but unfortunately the desk was situated right in front of his.

I made my way over to my new classmate avoiding Adrian's pleasantly surprised look.

For the rest of the lesson I talked pleasantly with Cassius and we prepared a not bad potion.
He was a nice guy after all, behind the air of a tough guy, there was a kind and interested guy, you had to know him and regarding the subject he didn't have many difficult difficulties, he just couldn't follow the instructions, many times he changed them.

After I understood his 'faults' I immediately understood why Snape put us in a pair together, I was a decisive person, I could make myself be heard and followed, under my control he did not change the quantities.

During the whole time I felt constantly watched, and I knew exactly by whom.

At a certain point a note was handed to me from behind, I simply ignored it, which was very difficult.
I was dying to read it, to turn around and look into his beautiful brown eyes. But I couldn't. I had to ignore it. It was the best thing not to make those I loved suffer, even if it meant suffering myself.

As soon as class was over I got up as quickly as I could and walked out of the classroom. I knew very well that Adrian would talk to me.
But unfortunately he didn't give up.
He started following me out of the class and called me. Luckily for me he was blocked in the middle of all the students who were now leaving the classroom, looking like a flock of sheep.

This gave me time to walk away and head undisturbed to my next class.
In my haste I did not remember the impending problem I was about to face. Seamus

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