chapter 15

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For a while a stunned silence reigned, until I broke it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you there. As soon as I read the note I catapulted myself to the lake, but you were gone."
"Why are you ignoring me?" he said, not paying much attention to my apology, raising his head so he was looking at me.
"I'm not ignoring you!" I said, looking into his eyes. Immediately he gave me a 'are you serious?' look.
"What? It's the truth," I said trying to put myself on the defensive.
"If it was true, the famous note you were talking about earlier you would have read it in class, without me having to put it in your bag, or rather you would have known because I tried to tell you in person" he was clearly angry and hurt.

He was looking at me for a possible answer, but nothing came out of my mouth.
I didn't know what to say. He was absolutely right. I was ignoring him, but I couldn't tell him, I would have to explain why, and at that point what would I say ~Oh you know I'm ignoring you simply because I like you so much, every time I see you I want to be with you for eternity, kiss you, hug you, do dirty things, cuddle and be your girlfriend, but we can't be together because I would hurt two people I care about.~.

As my thoughts ran through my mind, he got tired of waiting for an answer and started to get up.
As soon as I realised this I got up and started calling out to him, but this only seemed to make him move away faster.

I started to run after him but he did the same, he was fast, but I couldn't let him go like that, injured, so I started to run with all my strength, and with the help of the adrenaline I was feeling at that moment I caught up with him.

I grabbed his arm to stop him and "Adrian" I called him one last time, breathing heavily.
He didn't say anything and I honestly don't know what came over me at that moment, it was probably the adrenaline that helped me reach him, but I kissed him. Yes, I kissed him.

I pulled away in disbelief, not that I didn't want to, but I never thought I would find the courage. Not even enough time to realise, and before any more thoughts and worries arose, I felt his lips on mine again.
Of course I continued the kiss and we broke away only when we both ran out of breath.

I looked at him as we breathed heavily, it was so beautiful, as soon as our eyes intertwined that magical feeling of just the two of us in the world returned, more amplified than ever.

After a few seconds we started kissing again, both of us more confident, my hands on his cheeks, his around my waist. I felt alive as never before, it was a stellar feeling.

He pulled away, a huge smile on his face, and asked, "Are you coming to the party with me tonight?"
Without a second thought I nodded, also with a smile that went from ear to ear.

After that he started to kiss me again, even more intensely than before, but unfortunately we heard some student footsteps and broke away.

I looked at my watch, it was 7.21pm.
"We have to go," I said, looking him in the eyes.

He didn't say anything, he lifted his hands from my waist, which he hadn't taken off until then, and intertwined his right hand with my left, and we started walking towards the Great Hall.

At that moment I didn't care about anyone but him. So I didn't mind sitting at the Slytherin table with him, a little further away from everyone else in the house so as to maintain intimacy, and fortunately none of his friends interfered.

During dinner we didn't talk, I think we were both afraid of ruining the moment, but as soon as we finished dessert he took my hand and led me out of the Great Hall.
We ran a little so as to get away from all the other students who were probably going to leave shortly afterwards.

As soon as he thought we had gone far enough he stopped and turned to me.
He put his hands back around my waist and said.

"I like you so much" and started kissing me, how I had missed his lips.
I pulled away after a while only to say "I really like you too" and closed the space between us again, reconnecting our lips.

I was afraid that if I didn't make it clear now I wouldn't have the courage to do it again.
After a while, however, we started walking around the castle hand in hand.
Everything seemed perfect until we turned a corner.

Harry, Ron and Hermione, Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, petrified and a wall with the words 'Enemies of the Heir fear, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened' written in blood.
My blood froze and I squeezed Adrian's hand harder, which he also did.
Immediately all the students and teachers, who had been in the Great Hall earlier, arrived.

There was a long discussion between Harry, Ron, Hermione, Filch and the teachers, which he couldn't understand because of the state of shock I had entered.

The only thing I heard was Dumbledore sending all the rest of us students back to our dorms.
I turned to Adrian, who seeing my worried state didn't want to leave me, but we were forced to part ways.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead, and before long we were separated from the tide of frightened students who were returning to their dormitories.

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