chapter 16

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I didn't sleep much that night, I was too scared by the recent events.
When Hermione came into the room I was the only one awake, it was almost midnight.

"Hermione what happened?" I asked softly getting out of bed.
"Rose you scared me" she said putting a hand over her heart and exhaling, before she spoke she had jerked.

"I'm sorry. What happened anyway?"
"I don't know. Harry kept saying he was hearing voices and we had just arrived as soon as you and Adrian arrived" I looked down and tried to hold back a smile that was brewing on my face.

~Adrian, I was so scared that I didn't remember the wonderful times we had together today. The feeling of his warm, soft lips on mine. The way he kept holding my hand when I was terrified of the blood on the wall and the poor petrified cat. The kiss he gave me on the forehead to say goodbye and reassure me in those few seconds we had left before we parted.~

"I don't mean to interrupt your reverie, but it's time for bed," Hermione said to me in an amused, but also reproachful tone.

"It's fine mum," I replied jokingly.

And I wrapped the warm covers of my bed around me.

The next morning I woke up, less worried than the day before.

I woke up later than usual as it was a bank holiday, got ready slowly as the time for breakfast was over and went to the Common Room.

Fortunately Neville kept something for me and as soon as he returned to the Common Room he handed me some biscuits.

In the morning I did nothing. I just sat in the Common Room talking to my friends.

At lunch I sat with Bianca, we hadn't spoken since Snape divided us into potions, and luckily she hadn't noticed anything that had happened the day before between me and her cousin.

After lunch I was walking with Bianca towards the courtyard when
"Rose I need you! It's urgent," Hermione said catching her breath after chasing after us.
I mumbled to Bianca a 'see you later' and followed Hermione down the corridors.

"Hermione what's going on what's the emergency?"
"Oh Marcus is waiting for us" I had completely forgotten.
"Oh no" I would have rather drowned myself than kiss Marcus, not because he had done anything to me, he wasn't even a bad guy, but I just didn't think it was right, especially after kissing Adrian the day before.

"Hey, you promised."
We got as far as the end of a corridor on the first floor, next to Myrtle Maiden's bathroom. We knew no one would be there because of the gossipy ghost.

As soon as I turned the corner I came face to face with Flint.

"Hey Rose" he said in a flirtatious tone.
"Hi" I said lowering my gaze, ~why does everything have to happen to me? ~

"Come on we don't have all day" Hermione said looking around to see that no one was coming.

Without asking twice Marcus walked over and placed his hand on my cheek, initiating contact.
I closed my eyes, hoping not seeing him would make things better, but it didn't.

After a few seconds I felt his moist lips touch mine, and his tongue try to enter my mouth.

I let him do it, I had to. As soon as our tongues touched it was the most horrible feeling I had ever experienced.

I certainly hadn't expected to feel the stellar sensation I was feeling with Adrian, but I hoped it would be better than the kiss with Semaus. But no, this beat that by far.

As soon as I felt he was getting the hang of it I pulled away and not knowing what to say I gave him a very embarrassed smile.

"Wow," he said breathlessly.

I immediately looked at Hermione for help, who thankfully picked up on the desperate signal and grabbed my hand.

"Thank you Marcus, now just stick to what we talked about," she said and pulled me away.

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