chapter 6

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The rest of the day was an explosion of emotions.

Once out of the changing rooms I went to my dormitory, which I shared with Hermione and two other girls, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

As soon as I entered the dormitory I noticed that only Lavender was there, sitting on the bed, reading a book.
"Hi Lav!" I said as I entered the room, quickly heading to my trunk, looking for some clean clothes.
"Hi Rose. How was practice?" she asked, trying to start a conversation, me still turned towards the trunk.
"Fine, thank you!" finally I found the clothes and before I ran to the bathroom I said, giving her a sorry and slightly embarrassed smile "Sorry, I have to go."
She looked at me with a smile and nodded.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I closed the door and turned on the shower.
I undressed and got in.
I felt relaxed once the warm water started to run down my body.
I started to think about the day, and a dreamy smile started to appear on my face, as soon as I started to think about the dark-haired guy who approached to introduce himself a few hours before.
Everything about him was perfect.
From the radiant smile to the sculpted body.
But the most beautiful thing was definitely his eyes. Those eyes in which every time I looked, everything else no longer mattered.

The hot water was still running over my body when I heard the door to my room open.
"Is Rose in the bathroom?" said a voice. I tried to figure out who it was, but the voice was too low and distant to make out.
"Yes," Lavender answered.
"Rose get out of the bathroom I have to take a shower" it was Parvati. Who began to knock repeatedly on the bathroom door.
"I'm coming, one minute" I turned off the water and looked at the clock. An hour had passed.

I started to get dressed and noticed that the water, too hot evidently, had left a few red spots here and there along my body. I turned to the mirror and dried my hair with a spell. I looked at myself one last time and left the bathroom.

"At last!" said Parvati , turning towards the bathroom. "Oh, by the way, Seamus is looking for you," she said, closing the bathroom door.
That's right, I had promised to help him with spells.
I turned to a shelf, where all my books were and took the one about spells, plus a notebook I used to take notes.

I was heading for the door when I heard Lavender laughing out loud.
"What's so funny?" I said, turning to the girl.
"Oh listen to this," she said, wiping away the tears that had come from laughing.
"Today in the Great Hall, Harry turned to me and noticing that I was looking at him smiled at me. For the first time I didn't run away, but smiled at him. It was both embarrassing and beautiful. I felt the butterflies in my stomach go crazy like never before. - " and laughed
"Lav, is that a secret diary?" I asked impassively.
"Oh yes. It's Ginny Weasley's. Wait the good part is yet to come" and she laughed again, not having picked up on my disapproving tone. "It's like she answered herself. Look she used a different handwriting-"
"Lav, a secret diary is a private thing!" I said tearing off the black diary in her hand.
"You can't just take it and simply read it, even making fun of her. That's just wrong!"
"Oh come on Rose! Don't be such a party pooper. " and saying so she rolled her eyes and threw herself onto her bed, the bump making her bounce.
"No! I'm going to go give it back." and so saying I left the room, furious, slamming the door a little.

I started walking around the dorms, looking for Ginny's.
I was shocked. A diary is a private thing! A place where you can confide without being judged, you can vent, reflect. It's extremely personal. It's like the essence of a person.
If I'd catch someone reading my diary, I would be both furious and desperate. I keep ideas and strategies in it, deep thoughts and outbursts, some pages are still wet with tears, others hollowed out by the pen, because of how much anger I used to write them.

I arrived at the door of Ginny's room. I inhaled and exhaled a few times to calm myself. I had to try to be calm and assume a reassuring tone.

After a few minutes I knocked and heard sobbing before "Yes?"
"It's Rose I'm looking for Ginny" I said moving my ear closer to the door, trying to figure out who was inside.
"Come on in" the voice said, it was so fragile, like when you cry for hours.
I grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door. Immediately two arms grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. It was Ginny.
"Ginny, what happened?" I asked, not breaking away from the hug.
"My diary-" she pulled up her nose "it's-" she breathed heavily "gone" and started crying harder again.
I hugged her a little tighter, to comfort her.
Ginny and I have always been best friends. In my first year at Hogwarts I formed a wonderful relationship with both Ron and Ginny.
With Ginny we've always been best friends. In my first year at Hogwarts I formed a wonderful relationship with both Ron and Fred and George, her brothers, so I was often invited to the Burrow during the summer, and right away I formed a wonderful relationship with Ginny. We confided in each other, laughed and cried together. She was like a little sister to me.

"About that-" I sighed. I was tense, afraid she'd think I'd stolen it, feeling a heavy weight on my stomach.
I handed her the diary with a sorry and worried smile.
As soon as she saw it she was shocked.
"Oh my God, Rose, you're amazing!" and so she hugged me again. They were two completely different hugs. The first one was desperate, this one was pleasant, I could feel her gratitude.
"But where did you find it?" he asked, a bit of concern returned to his eyes.
"Lavender had it" an uncomfortable smile appeared on my face.
"Do you know if she read it?" she asked, growing tense.
"I don't. I was taking a shower." it was a half-truth. I really was taking a shower, but at the same time I knew she had read it. I simply left that part out because I knew Ginny would be devastated.
We hugged again, when it dawned on me.

I had promised to meet him in the Common Room at 4pm, and it was now 5.30pm.
"Ginny, I'm sorry but I have to run," I said quickly grabbing my books, which I had placed on a piece of furniture to console the girl. "See ya!" I told her, and so saying I closed the door behind me.
"Bye Rose" I heard Ginny shout in the distance.

I risked stumbling several times as I ran towards the Common Room.
As I arrived I saw a desperate Seamus practising a spell. His concentration vanished as soon as I stepped into the large Gryffindor common room.
As soon as he looked at me I saw a mix of emotions in his eyes: anger, offence, disappointment, definitely the three most prominent.

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