chapter 18

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The next few days got worse and worse.

Every time I tried to make contact with Adrian, he tried to avoid it.
There was no doubt in my mind that he was definitely ignoring me.

Meanwhile, the cases of attacks in the school increased and Dumbledore gave permission for Professor Allock to start a duelling club to teach us how to defend ourselves.

After the presentation of Gilderoy and the iconic duel with Professor Snape, the two professors called in two students, two second years: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.
What was supposed to be simply an attempt at disarming their opponent became a real duel, which was great fun to watch, the two boys flying from one side of the room to the other.
It was all great fun until Draco materialised a snake with his wand, and the latter uncontrollably started pointing at several students in the room, with pure evil in its eyes.
But the most shocking fact was that Harry began to speak in an unfamiliar, hissing language, Serpentine. And in this language he seemed to be inciting the snake to attack a taxidermist, I could feel his fear, he began to tremble.

Fortunately Professor Snape put an end to this moment, and to the lesson, by casting a spell against the snake, and making it disappear.

Some of the students stood still, too shocked to make their way to the exit of the classroom.
Others began to leave, including Adrian.
I took advantage of that moment to run after him and grab his wrist to stop him.

As soon as he turned so that we were face to face his expression fell, I was obviously the last person he wanted to see.

"What have I done?" I asked annoyed by his behaviour.
He didn't answer.

"What have I done? Why are you ignoring me?" I asked again, needing an answer.
"What have you done? Are you kidding me?" he replied trying to keep his voice down, he was furious.

This time it was me who didn't answer. I stood looking at him confused in silence.

"You can't just ignore someone, kiss them, tell them you like them and then go and kiss someone else, their best friend no less!" at that exact moment the world fell apart on me.

"Adrian I d-didn't mean to-" my voice shook and my eyes were flooded with water that was about to spill out.

"No, don't make up any excuses" he said trying to walk away, but I held him even tighter, I couldn't let him go, not like this.

"Adrian I swear to you! It didn't mean anything at all-" I didn't know what to say, all this time I had been thinking exclusively about him, about no one else, for me there was only him, and everything I did popped up in my mind.

"Forget about it. Forget me," and as he did so he released himself from my grasp and began to walk away.

"Adrian please listen to me. There is no one else for me, there is only you. I want to be with you and if you'd just let me explain you'd understand, please-" tears began to line my cheeks and I cried like never before
"- I-I love you" I said as loud as I could, but he didn't hear me, either because he was too far away by now or because the crying was drowning out my voice.

But unfortunately someone else did hear me.

"I can't believe it" said an incredulous voice and as I turned around I saw Bianca, clearly broken inside, broken because of me.

"One thing I asked  you Rose, just one! Don't fall in love with my cousin" she said shouting at me, raging black, I had never seen her so angry.

"Bi please! It wasn't intentional," I said, growing tearful.

"No!" she shouted one last time "-I thought you were my friend" she said instead, almost whispering.

And saying so, she walked away. Leaving me in the deserted hallway crying. My legs could no longer stand, and I let myself fall.

The last person I wanted to see came to pick me up. I didn't want to ruin another friendship,...but maybe talking to him, he who knew me so well, was the best thing.

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