chapter 20

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The next day I attended classes, but fortunately I had none with the Slytherins.

In the afternoon I stayed in the Common Room with my friends, the weather was very cloudy.

In the evening we headed for the Gryffindor stands on the Quidditch pitch.
As soon as I sat down, I couldn't help but think that if nothing had happened, Adrian might have asked me to sit in the Slytherin stands and cheer him on, wearing his jumper.
But there I was, in the Gryffindor stands wearing my jacket and my red and gold scarf.

After a few minutes the two teams came out of the changing rooms, and the two captains, Marcus Flint and Davies Roger shook hands, before the various balls, the quaffle, the boggarts and the golden snitch, were released.

As soon as the players started playing, I couldn't stop staring at Adrian, my gaze caught on him and my heart was pounding.
Before long Adrian took possession of the quaffle and scored.
A satisfied smile appeared on his face, but it fell away as soon as he met my gaze.
We both looked away from each other, and I tried with all my might to hold back the tears.

Immediately afterwards, loud cheers of happiness were heard from the Ravenclaw shovels, their team had just scored.
More precisely, Roger, who as soon as I looked up, winked at me, as if to say that he was dedicating that shot to me.
I gave him a weak, slightly embarrassed smile and went back to focusing on the game.

What I saw a few seconds later shocked me.

I saw a Slytherin push a Ravenclaw off the broom.
I saw Adrian push Roger off his broom.

I immediately looked around at the scene in horror. Not so much because someone had fallen, or rather been pushed, especially when the Slytherins were playing, but because the perpetrator of the action was Adrian.

Adrian was one of the few, if not the only one, of the Slytherins who didn't play dirty.

I was shocked, he had never done that, why would he start now?

Then something occurred to me that made me blush slightly, what if Adrian had seen Roger's earlier gesture? What if he was jealous?
~If he's jealous that means he still cares about me, and that maybe he still likes me. So I might have a better chance after my apology, which is as sincere as it gets. These are my emotions, my feelings taken from my heart and written down on paper-~

I was awakened from my thoughts by Hermione's furious screams.
"Hey Flint, that wasn't the deal," immediately Seamus, to whom I had told every single thing, sat Hermione down, trying to shut her up.
But Hermione, now on a rampage, stood up once more and started screaming again, which forced me to grab her arm and drag her away, towards the Common Room.

Once there I forced her to go to her room and I stayed in the Common Room to wait for my friends and to know the outcome of the game.

After a short while I unfortunately fell asleep on the sofa by the fireplace and was awakened by an angry and half worried Oliver.

"What happened? Why did you leave?" he said starting to shake me awake.
"You didn't hear Hermione screaming like a demon?" I asked bashfully.
"So you're telling me you noticed me leaving, but not her sclerotic screaming?"
There was a moment of silence, which I broke by saying, shaking my head in amusement "you're unbelievable Oliver Wood! "

We all burst out laughing.

"How did the game end?" I asked curiously.
"The Slytherins won, Higgs got the golden snitch. But if it wasn't for those 150 points, I couldn't tell you who would have won. Both teams were super strong, especially two players who looked like demons-" he suddenly grabbed me and directed me to a corner of a corridor that led to the men's dorms, pulling the from the rest of the team, for more privacy.

"Pucey and Davies," he swallowed as soon as he heard Adrian's name, "looked like two bombs ready to explode at any moment. What happened?" he asked, his eyes full of curiosity.
"I don't know, I wasn't there" I knew where he was going with this, but I tried to play dumb to avoid the question.
"Oh no you do. Pucey became a beast after Davies dedicated a certain shot to you."
"Don't-" I started to deny when he threw me a 'really?' look "-you noticed that and not Hermione's screams?" I asked again bashful, but amused.

He was about to answer, when Percy started yelling at everyone to go to their rooms. That was how the conversation fell apart and we said goodnight.

I walked towards the women's dorms, thinking about what Oliver had told me earlier: 'Pucey became a beast after Davies gave you a certain shot'.

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