Chapter 1

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"Dad, please listen to me, na. I really want to do my internship at Potter Enterprise. I promise I'll do it sincerely" said Ginny Weasley.

"Ginny darling. I am not stopping you from work but I can't let you work there or anywhere else. work as much as you want in our company" said Arther Weasley.

" sure old man, what work will I do there? sit in an AC room and stare at people. you won't let me do a single thing and I have seen that in the past year I worked for you. so no, I have got my internship at Potter Enterprise, and I'll do it there" Ginny replied.

"Ginny, dear, I have built all this for you, to enjoy. Everything is for you. join the company as the chairwoman. the post was always yours" said Arther.

"no dad, I want to do something on my own. you only tell me, without any experience, why will the people at the Weasley Corporation respect me. they will agree to whatever I say cause you are my father. they will never point out my mistakes. I will bring shame to the company that you and mom so dearly built. I want to make a name on my own." said Ginny.

Arther felt proud of his daughter but he couldn't let his only daughter, the apple of his eye to work for another company and to let her shift to a different locality, that too all alone. he had complete trust over his daughter's capabilities but the owner of the Potter Enterprise, Harry Potter is the devil incarnate. thought, he admired harry as a businessman but as a person, he was emotionally blunt. Harry Potter wanted perfection in everything and to achieve this he was brutal in his way.

the debate could have continued further but Mrs. Molly Weasley interrupted, " Shut up, both of you. it's just 8 in the morning and you two have started fighting.

Arther making a sad face with a pout, "look what your daughter is saying. she wants to work for Harry. what's the harm in working for our company? Explain it to your daughter and stop scolding your husband. " 

Molly replied, "She is right, Arther. you can't just protect her throughout your life. let her fly and make her own path. you know in your heart that she is correct but you don't want to part with her. she will not learn anything in our company because you let her do anything.

Ginny ran to her mother and hugged her mother from behind sticking her tongue out to her father.

Arther huffed, " Do whatever, you guys want to do. I am always outnumbered. One old man amidst two crazy women. God save me."

"Dad, don't e so angry. you'll have mom to fight while I am gone. I promise you when I join Weasley Corporation, I'll bring more profit than you ever brought."Ginny said.

Before the two again wage another war of words, Molly said, "You, lady, don't be too happy. I have my conditions. Listen to it before you start celebrating. "

Ginny nodded her head and motioned her mother to continue.

"You are going to live in the house provided to you by us. It's a rented house and you are going to pay the rent monthly and all the necessities you have to fulfill from your salary. we will not be paying anything for you. moreover, you will have 2 bodyguards by your side." Molly continued.

Oh my god, bodyguards! but why? Ahg.....

"Mom, I agree with everything but not the bodyguard thing, please."

Molly replied, ignoring her request, "You wanted freedom and space to grow. we are giving you that. everything comes for a price and this is the price of your freedom. take it or leave it."

now was the time for Arther to rejoice. he stuck his tongue to his daughter, "that's my wife".

Ginny knew she wasn't going to win so, she agreed to her mother's term.

The rest of the day was a blur, enjoying her last day in Weasley Manor and packing. She slept dreaming about her new life.

Do you like how is muggle Arther and Molly? They are a bit protective but hey!! they don’t have 7 Weasleys in this story, do they?Ginny is their only daughter.

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