Chapter 21

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The effect of anesthesia weaned off Harry after an hour. He opened his eyes to meet the two most important people of his life- Ginny and Draco, seating by the stool. His voice came out hoarse when he called, "Draco."

Both of them rushed to him, Draco said, "Welcome back buddy." He looked towards Ginny. She had a smile plastered at her face, she said, "Wait, I'll call the doctor."

The doctor came and examined him. Doctor asked, "How are you feeling Mr Potter?"

Harry replied, "The same while I am moving around in a garden."

Ginny and Draco bursted into laughing. Doctor embarrassed said, "Wrong choice of words. I apologize. Can you rate your pain between zero to 10?"


Doctor said, "That's pretty normal. I have prescribed some pain medication that will help you."

Harry said, "When can I be discharged?"

Ginny and Draco glared at him

Doctor said, "Within a week. We'll have follow up twice a month but you'll have to be regular for physiotherapy. Take proper rest."

All the three thanked the doctor and he left. Harry said to Draco, "You know Draco, despite you being present here, Ginny had earlier said that she was going to call the doctor. She doesn't consider you one."

Draco said, "I am cardiologist not a orthopedics. You were to be examined by neurologist and orthopedics. Next time, when you want to be admitted in a hospital think of cardiac ailment, I'll consult you, ok."

Ginny and Draco did a high five. Draco pager pinged with a notification. He left them alone.

Ginny was trying to convince him to have food but Harry was making faces and denying it, "I won't have such tasteless food."

"Harry, don't fuss like a kid. Eat it."

"No. You eat good food, I'll eat this shit. Not a chance" he turned to opposite side.

"Come eat. I'll eat along with you. Will you eat it then? I'll get you pizza for next week."

"Deal. But you have to eat along."

Ginny made him have his dinner and also shared it with him. She had pacified him.

The next morning, Harry's family came. James was sad to look at his son wounded and asked Draco to take care of him.

While on the other hand, his sister said, "Harry, why are you so careless? I was going to a party this morning but because of your accident, I have to be here. Even yesterday, when Draco called we were at a business party. We couldn't properly concentrate on the party and meeting after the news. Stop being careless and grow up."

Even his brother said that Harry  should change his driver because he drives recklessly and creates problems for Harry and in return, Harry troubles them.

Ginny was looking at his siblings as if they had grown two horns. She couldn't believe that these were the people, he called family.

Harry was somewhat recovering after one week and was under physiotherapy. Ginny took great care of him. After the discharge, once, she visited him and found he was home alone as his family had gone for a family function and he was trying to walk with support, to grab something but his foot slipped. Ginny rushed to hold him.

Harry said, "Thank you for saving me, my knight in shining armor."

Ginny chuckled but also scolded"Have you gone crazy? Walking all by yourself. Where is your care take or any family member?"

Harry said, "She was unwell so I asked her to take leave and my family members are attending a party on my behalf. Take a chill."

Ginny slapped her head, "Why didn't you call me if you were alone?"

Harry chuckled, "Chill Gin, I'll call you next time. Let's have lunch. I am dying of hunger."

Ginny replied, "Not funny. What if you fall? If you pull a stunt like this again, I'll get you plastered on the bed."

Harry said, "Ok, mom. Let's eat now."

Ginny hadn't let him do any work related stuff for atleast a month. After a month, she allowed him to work from home and only after 2 month when he completely recovered, he was allowed in office. She took all the work on her head and made sure of his good health from routine check up, his physiotherapy session, to his food and medicine, she kept a tab of everything. No one had cared like that for Harry. He got a warm feeling in his heart every time he saw her.

Next chapter is already published 👇👇

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