Chapter 3

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The driver stopped the car in front of a glass building topped by octagonal roof nothing fancy about building it was solid construction a bit like the man is served.

As soon as he entered the building he was showered with multiple greetings. without paying any attention to anyone, he moved forward with a straight face. once, he reached 58th floor he entered his cabin.

There was the dark walnut bookcase leaning the entire left-hand wall. there was a leather sofa with a fur rug over the back and a blanket draped over the arm. the room has a large fireplace and mental dominating the centre, with bookshelves leaning it on either side. on the mantle, he had two antique clocks and a painting of three Jazz musicians.

He called to Mr Thomas, the head of HRD. as he talked he straightened the staff of his desk making sure everything was square and properly spaced. there wasn't much: a phone, legal sized lined yellow pad, translucent bic pen with a black top, and a big plastic cube with pictures of his late mother. once the call connected he didn't wait for any formality "Dean, send me one of the intern. he will work directly under my guidance and also he will work as my PA. he will be paid more salary than his counterpart."

" alright sir! won't he be a bit young for being your PA?", replied Dean.

Harry rudely said," do as I say. I don't pay you to ask questions, do I?"

Dean replied nervously," sorry sir I will do as you say. any preference?"

Harry agitated, " didn't know you opened a ice cream parlour, offering me different flavours. just send me a single intern with two hands and feet I don't care for the details."

"Sorry sir. I will do the needful." said Dean with timid voice.

Harry got busy in his work. thankfully, his previous PA had made the schedule for this week. The new PA will get the hang of it by then. if not he could always fire the intern.

On the other hand, Ginny was excited for her first day. she was up early and ready in a record time. she called her parents to take their blessing and then left for the office

Ginny with rest three interns Neville, Michael and Lavender was waiting in the meeting room for Mr Deann Thomas, who would allot them the guide and the department they will be trained for their first month. all the four were from same college and she was good friends with Neville and Michael but loathed Lavender. She was a queen Bee type, belittling pippo and that was enough for Ginny to hate her.

Dean Thomas was not at all an old person like Ginny had expected, he was in young, about 28. He spoke, "Good afternoon to all. I am Dean Thomas, your supervisor. Here, take these folders for your department and guide details. You have been allotted the first department based on your strengths and will be shifted under other departments after one month."

Ginny was shocked to find the name of guide in her file. It was obviously Mr Harry Potter, the devil himself. Her file stated that her internship will not be rotated and she'll also work as his PA. She was delighted to work under him. She has long admired his work and now she will be trained by him. the only thing that saddened her was that she will not be on a rotating internship.

Dean's voice broke her trance, "I hope you all are fine with the arrangements. report to your allotted guide immediately. hope you have a great learning experience here. I am here to solve all your doubts"

" Sir, I don't have a rotatory internship like others. how will I be trained under all the departments?" said Ginny.

" Ms Weasley you are under the boss himself and he will guide you in the best way possible. he must have planned something for you. just one advice he hates tardiness and don't talk back. you'll survive." voiced Dean.

After Dean left, Neville and Michael came forward and hugged to congratulate her. she smiled at them. Neville was placed under marketing and Research and Michael under innovative department.

Lavender was fuming that she was not under Harry but she felt good as the "ever goody two shoes" will be out of here soon, as everyone knew the kind of person Harry Potter was.

She taunted her, "congratulations. you will be thrown out of here in one day only. I pity you. all the best"

Ginny had never minded her and left with Neville and Michael to the boss's floor, with a greater determination than she had before.

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