Chapter 28

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Ginny reached the address given by Draco but, that idiot has not reached yet. The mansion seemed new. It was a mixture of gothic and modern architecture. She wondered to whom did it belong. She would love to live in the house like this. She waited for Draco but Harry walked in.

Ginny, shocked,"What the hell are you doing here?"

Harry smiled and said, "I called you here through Draco."

"You could have called me here, directly. Why the need of middle man Draco? By the way, whose house is this?"

"This is my house."

"Wow! This is such a great house. Didn't know you had a great taste."

"Sit down! I have something to tell you."

Ginny sat down on the sofa nearby. Harry sat in front of her on a chair. He pulled out a box from his blazer pocket.

Ginny asked, "What is this, Harry?"

He said, "Ssh! Dude, Gin. Be quiet! I am so nervous and your silliness is making me more nervous."

Ginny bubbled in laughter and said, "Ok! Ok! I am quiet. It feels like you are going to propose me."

Harry slapped his head and murmured, "I, indeed have such a great choice." He then said, "Yes, I am. Happy now! Will you be quiet and let me propose you? Draco and I had worked so hard. Don't spoil his work."

Ginny smiled, "You don't need to do this."

At another corner of the house, Draco and her family was watching the scene in a monitor. Arthur laughed a lot, "She will not let him propose her. I am hundred percent sure. She is my daughter after all."

Molly got angry, "All your mistakes. She is giving unnecessary hard time to the poor boy. This girl is crazy. I feel pity for Harry."

Draco said, "Shh! Let me enjoy. I am collecting things to irritate them in future. It's so good to look at Harry Potter out of his comfort zone and not in control."

On the other side, Harry indeed was having a hard time, "I need to is a different thing but I want to. Now, shut up and listen."

She put a finger on her lips. Harry saw her and shook his head. He continued, "I don't know when I started feeling so deeply for you. When I started to enjoy your antics or when I got used to hear your voice. You paved way into my heart and became a permanent occupant. I hope you always remain there. I love you so much. Your love gave me courage to break free from the shackles that I had become so used to. Before, you answer, I must tell you that i have left my company and house. I have only seven companies and this house under my name. Some of the companies are in good profit and others have to be worked on. But I promise to you, that you wont be troubled with me. I'll fulfill all your demands and keep you like a queen. I'll do everything in my power to keep you happy. Ginevra Molly Weasley, Will you be mine for the entire life?"

He took a long pause waiting for her answer but she didn't say a word, he then said, "Say something, Ginny! I have opened my heart in front of you and you are quiet."

Ginny perked, "You only said to be quiet and hear you out and now you are scolding me for not speaking. You decide first."

Harry wanted to search for thing so that he can bang his head. He stood up and turned his back to her. A second later he felt a hand turned him around. He felt a pair of lips crashed to his. Without wasting anytime, he kissed her back with same passion. The kiss was soft and sweet but he could feel the thing he never felt before. Love. It felt like several sunshine days, they broke apart.

"I was just teasing you. You got angry! I too love you and I am ready to be yours. For forever and Always."

Harry's happiness had no boundaries. He hugged her tight like she might vanish anytime. They broke apart as someone cleared their throat.

They both looked at those three person who were standing a bit far from them. Arthur and Molly had covered their eyes with their hand.

Ginny chuckled, "Mom. Dad, you can open your eyes now."

All of them laughed.

Three came and hugged the two of them and said, "Congratulations." Everyone was so happy.

Harry said to Arthur, "Uncle I may not have that much riches that I had before but I promise to work hard and position my companies to number one and keep your daughter happy."

Before Arthur could say anything, Ginny said, "Even if you would have lost everything, I would marry you still. I love you and not your riches. Moreover, you could have interned at my company and then if I would have liked your work, you could be given a permanent position."

Arthur and Harry bursted out with laughter but Molly scolded her to not talk nonsense and apologized on her behalf, "I am sorry on her behalf. She is too naughty for her own good. Arthur has spoiled her. All the best to you, Harry dear. We are extremely sorry for giving birth to a little monster instead of a girl."

Arthur too joined the conversation and said, "Now our headache is yours. All the best. Take care of this tornado."

Ginny thinking of a comeback said, "Harry, I need you to do something before we marry."

Harry smiled, "Anything for you."

Ginny controlling her laughter said, "Get yourself checked for STI." Ginny bursted out laughing along with Draco and Arthur. Draco high fived her and Molly hit all the three for teasing her son. 

Harry laughed and enjoyed with them. He was happy and felt at peace after so many years.

They got engaged and married within one month. His dad was always with him in all the events.

Every day was new day for Harry. He never felt bored. Ginny kept him on his toes always and so did he. He worked day and night to reach the top spot. Ginny was by his side. Always. She even offered to merge the company to aid him but he refused. It took him one year to be number one again. Ginny and Harry after that collaborated for opening a new a restaurant chain. It was a success. They later merged subsequently. They lived a peaceful life for 2 years until their little James Potter was born. He was mixture of Harry and Ginny. After James, they took two kids more. Albus and 'The smallest monster'  and Dad's favourite Lily Potter. Three of them were trouble packet. You can imagine their personality, mix of Harry's sarcasm and Ginny's sass. Their life was complete and blissful. Harry was finally contented and was with the people who genuinely loved him. He could never wish for a better family.

                       𝑻𝒉𝒆  𝑬𝒏𝒅

So here the story ends. I was so sad but, "Every story has a end." was told to me by AnikaSupty2005

Thank you so much for supporting me till here, guys. Thank you so much for your votes and comments. Thank you for making me fell loved. So bye for now BUT I will see you in my Other Stories orrr..... maybe in a new one😉

😆😆 I'm sorry. Even, I am emotional right now but I still can't leave my sassyness, can I?

Love you guys! Bye ~ 🥺🥺

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