Chapter 11

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The next morning, Ginny was busy calling someone when Harry came at the hotel reception.

"Where is the driver, Ginny. Whom are you busy calling?" said Harry.

Ginny nervously replied, "Sir, the driver assigned to us got unwell last night and was hospitalised today mornay. The hotel staff is trying to allocate us a new driver but as of now they are not available."

Harry hated tardiness, "I want to meet the manager immediately. I paid them for the fucking drive."

Ginny tried to calm down him, "Sir, please calm down. They gave us option to drive the car. We can manage ourselves. It was not a foreseen circumstances. Please cooperate."

Harry was fuming with the idea of driving, "I didn't fucking pay to drive the car. And who the hell are you to tell me to calm down. Stay in your limits."

Ginny got angry with the loud voice of Harry, "With due respect sir, I am your personal assistant. It is my right to do things for your welfare and right now your useless anger is leading us nowhere. It's already 8:30 and if you continue this charade, we will be late for the meeting. Since you didn't pay to drive, I all together didn't pay for anything, so, I can drive us to the location."

Harry had no option but to agree to Ginny. He would give her that she was smart and had her way with words.


At the restaurant, Harry said to the receptionist, "Reservation under the name of Harry Potter."

The receptionist replied, "Yes sir, this way please. They are already waiting for you."

Ginny nudged Harry moving forward. Ginny had still not paid attention to the guest and was busy taking out files. Harry said, "I apologize for being late. We were a bit lost in our way. The driver got unwell at the last moment."

The man on the other side replied, "It's ok Mr. Potter. I can understand."

Ginny head the voice but didn't sound like uncle Amos's but more like Cedric Diggory. She immediately looked up to get surprised. Harry nudged her to get her attention.

Cedric said,"Earth to Cinderella. So you finally got the chance to notice me."

" What the hell are you doing here? where is the actual CEO of Diggory Hotel!?"

Cedric chuckled,"Well Cinderella, didn't even know dad retired and I am the CEO now. you you think I am worthless to be the CEO. you hurt me Cinderella."

Ginny said, "Shut up, Ced. I am just shocked that you became the CEO. you never wanted to, so unexpected. let's catch up later. first let's start the meeting."

After the meeting ended, Harry asked, "You both know each other, Mr. Diggory?"

Ginny butted in, "Yes, we do. During my MBA I had interned at Chicago. I met Mr. Diggory and Cedric here."

Cedric eyed her but Ginny glared to keep him shut. Ginny and Harry left to prepare for a meeting in afternoon.


Hey guys! This chapter is not that special so don't get angry. I will update tomorrow, don't worry.


Have a good day!😀😀

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