Chapter 5

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The next day, Ginny was 5 minutes early and had already got his coffee ready. Harry arrived exactly at 9 a.m. She knocked in to enter and gave him coffee. he asked her to keep it on the table and asked her for today's agenda. without even thanking her.

Ginny had found it rude but she ignored it, " Sir, you have meeting with Mr Seamus finnigan at 10:30 . then at 12 you have to meeting with Bell Holdings. at 3:00 you have to attend a conference call with foreign delegates. that's all for the day."

" get the meeting room ready. You'll accompany me for all the meetings to make important notes. after that, do a background check for Bones enterprise." he said and dismissed her without waiting for any reply.

Ginny arrange the meeting room before the the arrival of delegate. after formal introduction, the meeting was conducted by Harry.

Harry had an aura around him commanding respect. with each and every word he made his point clear. his conditions left for no room for negotiation and ultimately. he acquired the land. finally, he will be able to accomplish his mother's dream.

Ginny was tired after back-to-back meeting and even keep lunch. he completed her background check and went to submit it to Harry.

Harry collected the file and dismiss her for the day. it was already 9 when she left for home.

At home she called her father, "Hey old man! what's up? how is mum!?"

Arthur was sitting on the sofa. "Don't, Hey,me. You are calling after hole 48 hours. you know I was hell worried. how careless of you! And moreover I am old just by age and I have a young heart unlike you."

Ginny chuckled realising her father and mother were together listening.

"dad come on! I had back to back meetings together and yesterday. I was arranging files. I was dead tired so I didn't call."

Arthur gasped,"my girl is getting exhausted. See, that's why I didn't want you to work anywhere else! my princess will get dark circles!"

Molly shushed him, " shut up Arthur. Stop keeping your daughter in a glass case to protector and you, Ginny, take care of yourself. have food on time. work hard and make us proud."

They talked for a long time fighting laughing and teasing.


on the other hand Harry Saw the lights of hall still switched on and unlike other day she found his siblings and mother waiting for him. it was a good surprise to him.

His sister hugged him, "Harry, I want to go to Paris for a week with friends to blow out the steam! mum says I waste lot of money and should not go! please Harry, everyone is going! let me go!"

Harry chuckled,"Mom, don't scold my angel. Don't worry about money, your brother earns enough. "

Rose winked at her mother, thanking Harry, left for packing. At the same time, David said,"Bro, my friends are going on a pre exam break to Mauritius. I want to go along but Dad has withheld my account. Please ask him to give assess to my account back."

Harry smiled, " relax. I don't think dad will give you access to your account back. but don't worry! I will get a new account open tomorrow. just let me know the amount.

David delighted ran away to call his friends. His mother said," son you should not fulfill all their demands. they take undue advantage of you."

Harry chuckled, " don't worry mom. They are young and it's their time to enjoy. "

His mother to left patting his back. he was left all alone again and as usual. alone. with no one caring about his dinner.

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