Chapter 7

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Ginny kicked that man where the sun doesn't Shine. gasping, the man plunged on Ginny but, she ducked and punched him on the face, giving him raccoons eye. She could have beaten him black and blue, if the guards had not intervened.

Ginny's mood was completely off now and she decided to leave for home after Informing her friends.

Walking outside the club, she noticed that her wrist was bleeding as her watch had pressed deep. After the adrenaline rush had stepped down, her wrist ached like hell.

Someone held her hand from behind and in reflex, she turned to hit the person. her hand was an inch away from his face but, she stopped on realizing it was Harry.

"You are bleeding. Let Draco help you with the wound. the wound is deep. get in the car. Draco  will stitch you up in hospital."

Ginny wanted to protest but Harry had already pushed her in car and the same time, Draco came up and sit behind Harry.

At the Hospital, after jay had stitched her up, Ginny thanked him, "Thanks a ton, Dr. Malfoy."

Draco was surprised on being called Dr. Malfoy. no one in his life had called him Dr Malfoy. he never liked such formalities and was used to being called just Draco.

"Hey, my lovely lady, or should I say Ms Weasley, don’t call me Dr Malfoy, it makes me feel old. I not even married yet. You wound me. Please call me Draco." Draco chuckled.

"If I happen to call you Draco please, call me Ginny as well. Ms Weasley really makes me feel like a old lady with 30 cats. I will pray to God that you get married soon." said Ginny, laughing a little.

"Nope! I will call you lovely lady. Hope you Won't mind but even if you mind I'll still call you this only."

Ginny giggled and nodded her head."Thanks again"

"Come, I'll drop you both home. it's late and Ms Weasley no need to thank. he hardly works as a doctor. you gave him some work so he should be thankful to you." Finally Harry opened his mouth.

Jay playfully punched Harry and looked at Ginny. "You fought like a man. I was surprised. Don’t listen to your idiot Boss."

"Me too!I didn’t realise that I had provided employment to a wolf in lambs clothing. The meek girl has claws." Harry added.

"The meek girl has very sharp claws. I am black belt in judo. Never be on my bad side, if you don’t want to get scarred for life." Ginny smirked.

Draco bursted out with laughter, "She is the best PA you ever had. Please tell me of your good deeds in your past life. I also want an assistant like her."

Throughout their way back, both the friends were continuously bickering. Ginny was surprised by the carefree side of Harry. He was completely different from the one she sees in office. The Harry was genuine, caring and outspoken. The twinkle in his eyes mesmerized Ginny.

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