Chapter 26

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Draco, Ginny and Harry enjoyed a lot on the night of Harry's birthday. She had called them to a small cafe in outskirts of the city. The food was amazing. Draco and Ginny made fun of poor Harry. Harry too was happy and felt relaxed after a long time. Ginny and Draco offered to be his wingman for the night to get him some girl. Harry irritated said, "I don't want any wingman, especially, not both of you, to get a girl. I am capable of my own."

Draco said, "Ohh! Then why the hell haven't you met with a single girl in almost 1.5 years."

Harry said, "Mind your business, Draco."

The trio went to multiple other places before leaving for their homes.


It's been 3 months since his birthday and now Ginny's birthday was on the line. Harry wanted to give her something special but he didn't know what. His biggest mistake was asking gift suggestion to Draco. Draco  said, "Confess your feelings." Harry wanted to bang his head on wall.

His feelings were haunting him. Draco's statement was revolving around his mind. He decided to talk to his family properly. He will try explaining them his point of view and his love for Ginny.

Gathering all his courage, he left the office early to talk with them. While he was entering the manor, he overheard his mother, brother and sister talking something.

His brother said, "Mom, I told you to keep an eye on Harry's love life. There is a rumor circulating in office that, he had something going on with his PA. Seriously, his PA. Why does he doesn't like women of his class? What if he is actually serious and get married? All the property and business will be transferred to his children."

Harry was agitated on hearing that but decided to stay and listen the complete conversation.

His mother said, "Don't worry son. I will not let him live happily, even if he marries. I have done everything to keep all this riches to us and will not let him take any thing from us. All this belongs to us. Moreover, who would love a person who was not even loved by his parents."

His sister said, "Dad has already transferred everything on his name? What will we do if he is married? Everything will be his and his children then and we will have to be beggars?"

His mother said, " Don't worry. Your dad is a fool. He'll believe whatever I say. Even if Harry comes to talk about his marriage, I'll poison his mind about the character of that girl. I'll show him, she is gold digger and obviously, he won't let his son do the same mistake twice. All the plans of marriage will destroyed in seconds."

All the three laughed in happiness. They cheered for their victory and Harry's misfortune. His sister said, "Mom, you are so evil!"

She laughed, "Let's finish this here! Harry called all us to come but he is himself missing. He might be coming. Let's look pretty and nice."

Harry, who was listening silently couldn't believe his ears. He had always known their true intentions but hearing it, meant all together something different. He had sacrificed his happiness for all these snakes. He had long refused his father for accepting business on his name. He became the CEO after his father's emotional blackmail. He had tolerated them enough and taken their slanders but, he won't let them do the same for Ginny. Ginny meant the world to him

He drove his car to his office and called his lawyer to make certain papers. He had enough. He then called his father saying he is busy today and will meet everyone tomorrow morning. He prayed to God to help him in this endeavor.

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