Chapter 23

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Finally, the last day and last presentation of Ginny arrived. She was nervous. The meeting room was prepared and the both the parties seated. The lights of the room were dimmed when she entered. Before, starting the presentation, she looked at Harry and he blinked in response. That was enough to give Ginny confidence.

She started, "Good afternoon to all. This hotel will be the best one in NY so far catering to the needs of both middle and high class. There will be 2 section and similarly built but different in cost to provide luxury to even middle class.......... We propose a partnership of 51 and 49 percent, 51 being ours. We are open to new ideas and discussions." She sailed like a queen throughout the presentation, showing various productive figures of her company and customer review.

After the presentation ended, she took a deep breath. There was silence in the whole room for a moment and then the room bursted with claps. The lights were switched on and she saw two figures with big smiles clapping and staring at her.

Arthur stopped clapping and said, "Well done, Miss Weasley. I just think the partnership seems unfair. When I am investing equally, why not 50-50 partnership?"

Ginny replied, "With all due respect sir. You are investing equally but the land is ours. The workers will be ours. The interior designers are the ones we collaborate with. We'll buy raw materials from our connection, travelling and all that will be our expense. So, don't you think we deserve more profit?"

Arthur looked at her daughter and was surprised at her response. She sure has learned a lot. But he wanted to push more and use the trump card. "Don't you think you are making my company suffer loss and pushing yours to profit. Moreover, you are betraying."

"I am not betraying. I always support the just cause and in this the 51-49 partnership seems fair because we have more expense on our side. You are free to leave and collaborate with any other hoteliers."

"That's a very bold move, Miss Weasley. I am surprised that you give this much freedom to your PA, Mr Potter."

Harry intervened, "Mr Weasley, it is not about freedom but about capabilities. She is capable enough for this meeting and so she is here. I too agree with her points. So, it's your call now."

Arthur laughed, "That's the reason I like your business ethic, Mr Potter. You stand behind your employees. I was just testing your employee. I am ready for the partnership. Get the legal papers ready and send it to my office."

Arthur shook hands with Ginny and Harry. The three stayed behind after everyone left. Harry said to Arthur, "Uncle, this was my amazing intern, I told you about. Isn't she good at negotiating?"

Arthur replied, "Was?"

"Yeah, it is her last day. She is not joining permanently."

"And, you are letting such a good employee leave."

"Don't want to, Uncle. But she insists on leaving me."

Ginny pipped in, waving her hands infront them, "Hello guys, I am here, still visible."

Arthur replied, "How can we ignore such a tall witch?"

Harry looked at the two and was about to ask Arthur if he knew her but Ginny beat him to it, "Dad, we are in public. You are calling me witch in front of my boss."

Arthur laughed, "He will agree to you being witch. You must have harassed the boy. I am sure of it. Right, boy?"

Harry was shocked as hell, "She is your daughter! Why didn't you tell me before? Why did you wait for the last day to tell me, Ginny?."

Ginny said, "I didn't want to tell you like this but my dad loves to create drama. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to be treated differently. If you had known I am the only daughter of Weasley  Corporation, you would have never given me hard time and I wouldn't have learnt anything. I was going to tell you everything after the meeting."

Harry said, "Why didn't you intern in the company, you'll inherit?"

Ginny replied, "Because my dear dad, wouldn't have let me lift a finger only. Everyone would have been afraid of his reaction and I wouldn't be told about my mistakes. I joined here because I knew I'll learn something and I was lucky to be directly under you, and learnt a lot."

Arthur said, "She is right. I wouldn't have let her work fairly. Don't be angry with her. She fought with us for this chance."

Harry after thinking for a lot of time, said, "I can understand where you come from. I am not angry just shocked. Your mannerism told me that you belonged to a well off family but didn't expect it to be from Weasley Corporation. The day I saw about your surname, I thought you would be some another Weasley."

Ginny replied, "I am born to startle you."

Both Harry and Arthur laughed a loud. Arthur said, "My overconfident daughter. Don't mind her. You are free from her tantrums from now. I am taking her with me and you can have your peace."

Harry  replied, "I'll be forever grateful to you for taking my headache. I have done enough baby sitting. I'll have my peace back. I will not miss her at all."

Ginny said, "How mean?"

Arthur said, "I am waiting outside. Bid your goodbye and meet me outside the office. Boy, do come for a dinner tomorrow."

Ginny replied, "Dad, not dinner. Call him for lunch."

Arthur looked at her daughter weirdly, "Ok, Harry, come for lunch. My daughter is strange."

Harry said, "Sure, uncle."

After Arthur left, Harry hugged her tight.

Ginny said to Harry, "Why are you hugging me. You said you won't miss me. Leave me." She starting squirming.

Harry frustrated, "Shut up! You speak a lot. Let me live in this moment. I'll not miss you because you'll always be in my heart." He pecked her forehead.

Ginny flustered, looking down said, "I guess this is goodbye then! See you at lunch tomorrow."

Harry hugged her one last time. They both stared at each other for a long time until Ginny blinked. She stomped her foot on Harry foot and ran away from him. She stuck her tongue out while at the door, before leaving. The hollow silence again prevailed in Harry's office as well as heart that was once washed over by the tornado called Ginny.

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