Chapter 2

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"Harry, wait for a minute. Have your breakfast first and then leave for office," said James Potter.

"Dad, I don't have time to deal with the family drama. I have a meeting scheduled at 10 am. I have fired my PA yesterday and now I have to search for a new one." said Harry Potter.

James took a deep breath, "Son, I don't want to talk about family matters.   It's about the new interns."

Harry looked at his watch, sighing, "Ok, dad. you have 5 minutes. speak, whatever you want to. I have to leave."

James, in a defeated voice said, "Why don't you take an intern directly under you and train him/her? you were always a great teacher. I remember during your tenth boards, you use to teach your batchmates."

Now Harry was getting angry, "Seriously, dad. you want to talk about this. I have a trained staff to guide the new interns. I don't have time to waste on a stupid intern who will leave the company as the internship is completed. Me, teaching, was the past and you wasting my time by talking about things that have long been forgotten."

James calmly replied, "Listen, Harry, your arrogant nature is the reason they leave in the first opportunity they get. guiding an intern will improve your image in the company as in the public. your dating life has further destroyed your image. you told me right now that, you fired your PA. make a perfect intern your PA. you can always search for a new one if that intern disappoints you."

Harry begrudgingly said, "Thanks for the advice, dad. I have to leave now."

Once again, harry left without having breakfast. James wondered that did his son eat even a single meal in the whole day. his thoughts were obliterated by the voice of his second wife, Mrs. Bertha Potter.

"he left again without having breakfast," she asked like, it's nothing.

James just nodded.

"Don't worry. he'll come around one day"

James murmured, "hmmm. someday. I was thinking about his marriage. maybe he becomes a bit more responsible towards his family after that."

Bertha had never wanted Harry to marry. she had always given some excuse to postpone his marriage. harry getting married would mean, he would have an heir, and all the property will go to his son and her children will be left with nothing. "You know very well, James, how he opposes the idea of marriage and his reputation precedes him. who will give his daughter to a playboy? give him some space. I beg of you not make the gap between you two wider."

James understood his wife's word.he felt blessed to have such a wonderful wife.

His another son, David Potter entered the manor, "Hey mom, hey dad! Sorry I had over night study season at Sid's house"

Bertha hugged her son, kisses his forehead, "my dear son look, you have grown thin. how much do you study? take some rest come and have breakfast"

David smirked, thinking only her mother knew how much he study.

"Son when you have sometime help your brother in office he tires himself out" said James.

Bertha  interrupted, "James, his studies all day and doesn't have time for us only. how will he manage both office and studies. Harry is capable of handling the business on his own. David is studying hard to help his brother only."

David agreed, " yes Dad, I have asked Harry to join office multiple Times. he says that I must enjoy my college life and study hard."

James just nodded his head. just then his daughter Rose Potter stepped into the dining hall. she wished everyone good morning.

" it's been 3 years since you have completed your MBA. why don't you join our office, my dear?" James asked to his daughter

"Dad Harry doesn't want us to work. he refuses help. he wants us to enjoy the youth which he never got the chance to enjoy. I cant  argue with his him on this."

James could again just nod only. he could only pray to God to send someone to share the burden of his eldest son. The boy who lived for everyone beside himself. 
( Did you guys thoughts I would write 'The boy who lived'😆)

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