Chapter 24

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Harry had gone for lunch to Weasley Mansion. Molly welcomed him warmly. She even caressed his hair.

She said, "You have grown quite handsome from the last time I saw you."

Before Harry could say anything, "Mom, wear your glasses to observe properly."

Molly scolded, "Ginny!!! He is our guest."

Harry replied, "Its ok, Molly. I am used to her."

Molly said, "Yeah I forgot, you had to bear her for a year."

Ginny fought, "Why does everyone think, he had to bear me? It can be other way round too."

Molly pinched her nose, "Everyone knows you well."

Harry came to her rescue, "We both had to bear each other. Both of us are not easy to deal with. Her eccentricities were required to handle me."

Molly said, "First, Arthur. Now I have another one to support her."

Arthur came from somewhere, "I heard that."

Molly said, "You were meant to hear it."

Arthur said, "Come, let's have lunch. This woman loves to cross me. My daughter has odd timing for calling a guest. You'll not be available for much chit chat. Have lunch quickly, you must have important work."

Before Harry could say anything, Ginny said, "He is free till 3pm. He has 2 hours to chit chat."

Both her parents looked at her and then at each other and smiled.

Ginny said, "Why are you both looking at me like that? Have you forgotten I was his PA till yesterday. I had planned his entire week before leaving."

The lunch passed without much drama. Harry was eating and occasionally answering the question put forward by Molly and Arthur.

Ginny said, "Mom, look how less he is eating. You should pass him more."

Molly being a mother said, "This is the reason, you are showing bones. Eat this." She filled his almost empty plate with a serving more food. He couldn't refuse her but glared at her daughter.

After lunch and some talking, Harry decided to leave. Ginny went to see him off. She said to him, "Take care. Have lunch and dinner on time. I have asked Mr.Smith to bring lunch to your office. Have it properly."

Unlike other time, Ginny initiated the hug. Harry pecking her head, sat in the car. She waved at his moving car.


It's been 6 months since she left Potter Enterprise. Ginny got busy with business and getting hang of being the CEO. Arthur was training her before retiring and she was officially declared the CEO of Weasley Corporation. She kept herself busy to refrain from thinking about Harry. They were in contact still and talked to each other whenever they had free time.

Harry was no less. The silence which he once somehow cherished was gnawing him from within. He was missing Ginny like always. The only happiness in his life was the time he spent with Ginny on call. Ginny's voice alone was enough to wash away his tiredness. Her antics made him laugh. He often wondered how could she have so much energy even after working like a donkey whole day. But whatever, he didn't mind her.

It was his birthday the next day. Like usual, he'll spend his day alone, he thought. Last year, he had that tornado who made him cut the cake but this year even she was not here to remember his birthday. But he forgot Ginny's tendency to surprise him.

At Midnight

He got a call at midnight of his birthday. It was Ginny's. She asked him to open his window. When he opened, he found her standing with a cake on the balcony. She shouted, "Happy birthday! Let's cut the cake. I have to leave too."

Harry looked at her as if she was an alien, "How did you come through window that too with a cake?"

"God! You ask so many questions. I obviously climbed through the pipe with the cake. Now before you ask, I climbed through the back wall to enter your premise. I guess that's enough for your curiosity. Now cut the cake."

She had dimmed his room lights and sang happy birthday while he cut the cake exactly at 12. He made her eat it and she to him. She even smeared some of it on his face. He annoyed did the same. He got another call. It was Draco.

"Happy birthday buddy. Like always, I am the first one to wish you. You should respect me now more for having wished you first for 20 years."

Ginny quipped, "You are late darling, Draco."

Draco said, "What is she doing with you at this time?"

Ginny said, "Don't hurt your peanut size brain thinking about it. I came to wish him happy birthday. I won this time and you broke your record. Now, I'll leave, before my father sends out a search party. Bye Draco."

Someone called Draco from behind and Draco cancelled the call after a quick bye.

Harry asked Ginny, "How will you go back?"

Ginny replied, "Like I came. Sayonara! Before I forget. You'll receive your gift by eight tomorrow." She then jumped from his window and Harry just shook his head while standing at his balcony.

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