Chapter 15

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It’s been a month since they came from Chicago. Ginny, Neville and Michael were eating in cafeteria. Suddenly Lavender came, "How's your service agent doing? Background checking and sending files to various Department or the best part making presentation for the boss. I was acclaimed for a presentation I gave yesterday. Can you say the same for you, miss perfect?"

Ginny just walked away off from there. She kept chanting that she doesn’t need to prove her worth. As per her habit to check that if Harry had eaten launch, she went to his cabin. She went inside on hearing 'Come in'.

Harry who was busy reading a file, with a half empty plate lying on his table, looked up, Harry said, "Don’t glare at me like that. It has no effect on me and It's my work to glare at you."

Ginny replied, "And who gave you the right?"

"Have you forgotten who's the boss, Ms Weasley?"

Ginny replied, "I very clearly remember but if my boss behave like a kid then I can't help it. So now be a good boy and finish your food and then work."

"Yes Mom. And Mom before leaving do a background check on Riddle Corporation. They want us to bye a land from them. I need every detail about the land."

Ginny said as she was leaving, "Sure, son!"

Ginny was staring at her screen since past 3 hours. The company seemed clean and Ginny found the name of the company to familiar. But she couldn’t point out. All the records seemed to be too perfect. She decided to ask for help.

She called her father's private investigator, "Hello, is this Hermione Granger.

" Shut up, Ginny. Come to the point." said Hermione.

Ginny chuckled, "Ok ok fine. Listen, I need you to find every detail about Riddle corporation. they have a real estate business and something seems amiss."

"Are you talking about the Riddle Corporation by Tom Riddle?" asked Hermione.


"He is the biggest fraud. he takes land from innocent and poor people and sells them in a higher price. he has some legal business too. send me the land details he is selling you. I will report you in 3 hours. is it okay?"

"Wait! Is it that company that Dad was cheated by also!?"


"O god. Thank you Hermy. Please send me the reports."

Ginny was quite happy. she knew Harry and other official will not agree with her until she had some prove. She just can't tell them that he had cheated on her father too and everyone believe instead of evidence.

Its been fast 3 hours the meeting about the discussion of acquisition had already started. since the land was available in a cheaper rate and the location is perfect for the new hotel, all higher official agreed. Ginny was getting nervous as Jack had still not sent the reports. She wanted to buy some time before she gets the reports. Everyone was looking at Harry for his final decision. Ginny had to take this chance.

She said, "Sir, there is something amiss about the company. it seems to clean and perfect. let's think over it for more time before taking a final decision."

One official said, "Ms Weasley aren't you taking your background checking too seriously? do you think yourself to be a private investigator?"

All the other members started laughing except Harry who had a a Somber look. he wanted to take a stand for her but his position didn't allow him.

"Sir, with all respect I know my position very well. I have done background check for 30 companies in this 4 months and by the grace of God, all my views about them have been correct. this is far greater than anyone of you have done. Mr Potter, I would request you to please consider one time. I have a a hunch that this company is a fraud." said Ginny.

The laugh of everyone died down.

Harry smirked like his wild cat had sharp claws. He said, "Do you have any evidence?"

"Yes but I need half and hour to gather all the dirt."

Harry replied, "Let's meet after then. Ms Weasley I am taking a risk at you. I need the result."

Everyone left the meeting room. Ginny prayed that Hermione send her the details as soon as possible.

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