Chapter 13

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The next day Ginny and Harry spend their entire day in Diggory Corporation. It was already 12 when they reached their hotel. They were dead tired and decided to sleep. Although Ginny was a bit  upset that she couldn’t explore Chicago. It was her favourite place. After all, she spend a big deal of her childhood here.

The next morning, they both left for office again. their work was completed on their third day. Cedric said, "Congratulations. the final touches of the hotel is done. it will be a great success. Dad has invited both of you for dinner tonight."

"How small is the dinner plan?" asked Harry.

Cedric replied, "A small family dinner only. He promised to have nothing fancy. I assure you. Harry, I would request you to come. You can leave your assistant home."

"No problem. She'll tag along. She just like to being difficult." said Harry.

Cedric chuckled, "You have understood her true colors."

Harry just nodded and Ginny stomped on Cedric's foot.

Harry and Ginny took a nap on reaching their hotel. They were dead tired. They woke up at 6 and started to get ready for the party.

Harry had worn a perfectly tailored navy blue suit. His hair was parted to one side. His green eyes were complementing his suit. He looked as greek-god. At the reception, he met Ginny in a green gown looking elegant. He was mesmerised by her beauty. He had strange desire to see her beautiful red hair open but they were packed in a bun. They came back to earth by the voice of their driver for the night. 

Harry was the first one to recover, "You are looking ethereal."

Ginny smiled as a blush got unnoticed by Harry, "You too look great."

In the car, Harry said, "Don’t you think we are over dressed for a small get together."

Ginny replied, "No, we are not. you don't know uncle Amos. his a small get together means a party for not list in 100 people."

"But Cedric promised it will not be that fancy."

Ginny chuckled, "Uncle Amos doesn't listen to anyone on parties. he likes throwing grand parties. I bet you there will be at least 200 people."

Their destination was shimmering with lights and beauty. Many people could be seen entering the venue. Harry looked around and while entering said, "This is a small gathering! You knew it too well. thanks for heads up or we would have been under dressed."

Uncle Amos welcomed them, "Harry, It's a pleasure working with you. Cedric was all praises about you." Harry put his hand forward for a handshake but Amos pulled him for a hug, living Harry he moved forwards Ginny. "My girl, you I have grown to be a wonderful woman. you look beautiful." he kissed her forehead and hugged her.

Just then Aliyah came. Amos's youngest daughter. (I gave her name Aliyah because Shawn's sister name is Aliyah and I love her. {Shawn meaning Shawn Mendes} 🤪🤭)

She squealed on seeing Ginny and pulled her for a hug. She shook her hand with with Harry. "You must be shocked by my manner. I am not always like this. So don’t worry. I just love Ginny so much."

Harry didn’t know what to say. Amos chuckled, "Don’t take her seriously. She, Cedric and Ginny only create trouble around."

He introduced Harry and Ginny to almost everyone. They maintained a polite smile throughout. It was midnight by the time, they had met all the guests. Now, both were standing by the bar drinking champagne.

Harry said, "I thank you for all the pep talk you gave me before coming here. Without that, my surviving here would have been impossible. God, my cheek hurt by smiling for 3 hours now."

Ginny laughed at his comment, "You look good while smiling."

"What did you just say?"

Ginny embarrassed now, "You look good while smiling. I am tired of seeing your brooding and frowning face."

Harry said,"Madam, I look hot and sexy with my brooding face."

"Whatever. Want to escape?"

"Can we? There is media outside."

"That's on me. Just say yes or no."


She pulled him in a room when she found Amos was busy talking  to someone. She asked him to change and she change too into something comfortable and took him to their escape ride.

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