Chapter 12

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On their way back, Harry was shifting uncomfortably on his seat. Ginny noticed and also knew the reason of it.

"You don’t need to say sorry, you know. I was rude too. So it’s equal." said Ginny.

Harry saw this girl altogether in a different light. This girl was very different from all the other girls he associated with. Sometimes, he wondered whether she was an alien.

Harry said, "It’s not like I need to but I want to. I was out of line. I just hate driving. Don’t force me to drive again."

Ginny nodded her head and asked, "You don’t know driving or you despise it for a reason?"

"I don’t really want to talk about it. I'll tell you someday....maybe."

"It’s ok."

"So about Cedric, I know you were lying. How long you have known him?" said Harry.

"How do you know?"

"I saw you gesturing him and moreover, when you lie your eyes blink a lot." replied Harry.

Ginny laughed, "Nice observation. So about Cedric. He is my childhood friend. I stayed at his place when I was here for internship. He is one of my oldest but closest friend."

"Yeah. He seems nice."

"You won't ask more. You believe that he is just my friend." said Ginny.

Harry chuckled, "I trust your words. You have no reason to lie about your relationships to me. And I know you this much to know your stance with other men. You maintained your distance even while hugging him and there was kind of sibling relation there. And don’t worry. I won't ask more."

"You are smart."

Harry winked at her, "I am born smart, dear." Both laughed out loud at this.

At the hotel, they were having launch where Ginny had ordered multiple dishes. Harry was surprised again. God this girl was capable of giving him heart attack someday.

Ginny started eating her dishes and she even offered him to have some but he was contended with his single plate.

"I am finish. You have your launch then we will leave for Diggory." said Harry.

"You are full with one plate. God you eat like those bimbo girls." said Ginny.

"You eat like a man, then." said Harry.

Ginny replied, "For punching like a man I need to eat like a man. Anyways eat more. You Will faint with the amount you have eaten. I don’t want to be your Knight in shining armor."

Harry smiled unknowingly, "No I am full. I won't faint. I am used to not having launch and dinner." he spilled this accidentally in flow. Not even his father knew it.

Ginny looked like a dear caught in headlight, "Oh hello mister. That's the reason I found you working during lunch hours. From today, you are eating both. At least launch, because I will be there by your side, that time."

She served some food on his plate. It was far greater than his usual diet. "I want this whole plate completely empty. From today you will have your launch with me. When we will go back in NY, I will order for you something from cafeteria. Am I clear?" said Ginny.

Harry was surprised on begin bossed around, "Crystal clear, mom." Everything was unpredictable with Ginny and that brought kind of a thrill in him.


Hey guys! So here started their friendship! Yayyyyyyy!😆😆

I will update tomorrow. So bye for now.

Have a good day You'll!

Bye ~~

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