Chapter 10

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Harry was at Ginny's door at sharp 7 am. He was waiting patiently for her since last 15 minutes but his patience was now collapsing. She came at 7:20 am.

"You are late, Ms.Weasley."

"Sorry sir, I got up late. Let's hurry to airport before we get more late."

No words were spoken throughout their journey to airport.

Harry had expected an expression of surprise and awe from Ginny. But, that girl was freshly unpredictable for him. She wore an expression of excitement, "Wow, you own a Gulfstream G500. I always wanted to be in it once. This is so cool." She had the same look a child has on seeing a candy. She had stars in her eyes.

Harry flabbergasted, asked, "How do you know the model number of the plane?"

Ginny mentally slapped herself, "I was interested in planes since childhood, so know a lot about it." She couldn’t answer that being a daughter of a airline owner, she would to know them.

Harry was busy working on his laptop and Ginny felt bored. She said, "Can we please talk? The journey is of 11 hours. It’s only past 2 hours now. Let's do something please."

Harry scolded, "I am busy but, anyway, what do you want to talk about?"


Harry replied, "Anything is a nice topic. There is a lot to be discussed on anything. It's a good research topic for scientists. You should recommended them your wonderful topic."

Ginny was irritated. She wanted to hit him but controlled herself. Looking at her controlled face, Harry had good laugh.

Ginny scowled, "Sir, you are a very bad person. You are laughing at an innocent women." she made a puppy face.

Harry ruffled her hair and said, "Yes. I know how much innocent you are. I do know that you are the person who dyed Ms.Brown's hair purple and also mixed pepper in her dishes. You don’t need to remind me of your innocence."

Ginny was shocked on his reply, "And how do you know that?"

Harry chuckled,"Have you forgotten that, I am the boss. I have eyes and ear every where." He ruffled her hair again. this time she didn't control herself and punched him hard on his arm.

Harry groaned, "Ouch! You hit like a man."

Ginny was thrilled in her victory.

After talking for some more time, Ginny had slept. Harry was looking at her  wondered that, he would have been very lucky if he could sleep that easily and peacefully.

15 minutes before landing Harry shook Ginny to wake her up. she mumbled,"Mom, I don't want to get up. I have only slept for an hour. I know it's not morning, yet. let me sleep."

Harry smiled, "Ginny, get up. It’s not morning yet but we are about to land."

"Mom, why does your voice sounds like my boss? Has he possessed your body?" murmured Ginny.

Harry couldn’t help but laughed, "Ginny, dear. It’s actually your boss who is waking you up."

Ginny opened first one eye to confirm if it was actually Harry. having realise it was Harry, she woke up with a jolt. Embarrassed, she said, "Let's get ready. the flight has landed. our driver is waiting outside."

While they were in his car to hotel. she said, "I am sorry, sir. I speak nonsense in sleep. if I have said something to offend you, I apologize sincerely."

Harry said,"No, don’t apologize. You are a very entertaining kid.
sleep well. we have a breakfast meeting at 9:00 tomorrow." and left for his room. Ginny stomped her foot, "A very entertaining kid, my foot." she went to her room too.


Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter!

And also if you don’t like my character building, I am so sorry. Because if you like a bad boy Harry and A weak Ginny, then I am sorry. I don’t like those female characters who are cry babies and wait for their heros to save them. Every female character should be like Our Ginny and Hermione. That's why I didn’t change Ginny and Harry, they just like the real Harry and Ginny.

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