Chapter 17

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Harry had already arrived in his office but there was no sign of Ginny. She was never late. He tried calling her but there was no response. He stood staring out of the window in frustration.

Draco popped out of somewhere, "Hey! What's up Romeo? Your Juliet isn't here?"

Harry scolded him, "Why are you here?"

Draco chuckled, "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of bed."

Harry frustrated, "Shut up, Draco! I am in no mood of your shit."

Draco said, "Or you are missing someone? Why did you give her leave if you are that desperate?"

Harry calmly said, "I am not missing anyone."

Draco said, "Whatever sails your boat."

Harry said, "I didn't give her leave. She took it herself I guess, without prior notice. I have important meetings and she is not here. How careless!"

Draco said, "Very careless. How could she leave a poor small baby dependent on her for small things alone and took a leave, to may be relax. She has not right to take a leave because her boss is baby devil."

Harry said, "May be you are right. But still she could have informed."

Draco got a call. The person on the other side said something. He replied, "Prepare the patient for surgery. Inform OR immediately !I am coming in 10."

Harry asked, "Everything, alright?"

Draco said, "Yes. I have a emergency surgery. Will meet you soon and hope you see your Juliet immediately. Bye."

Draco's personality flipped in seconds, from naughty to a serious person with just one call.

Harry tried concentrating in work but his thoughts were shifting to Ginny every now and then. Finally, he moved out his cabin in search of Neville or Michael. They informed him that they haven't been in touch since yesterday night and since morning she hasn't received their calls.

Harry was worried now. While he was going to his cabin, he got a call from Ginny.

The person on the other side said, "Mr Potter, I am Padma, Ginny's maid. Her room has been locked since morning. I am getting worried. I found your number in a file outside, so I called you."

Harry's worst fear were coming true. He called his driver but he had returned home. He stood in front of his car in dilemma. As soon as he opened his car and turned the key, the flashbacks of accident flashed infront of him. He tried calming himself and put his hand on steering wheel again. With lots of mental strength, he reached her home.

On reaching her flat, he broke open her bedroom door. He found her to be burning with fever and tried waking her up. She didn't respond. He immediately picked her up and drove to the hospital.

He cancelled all his meeting while doctors were examining her. Doctor said, "She has very high fever probably for a long time. If you hadn't brought her now, we could have lost her. We have started medications. Her fever will be down by night. If she's fine by night. She can leave."

It was around 10 pm when her fever lowered and she opened her eyes. Harry was stroking her hair. She was completely drained out of energy. She looked severely dehydrated. The first thing she saw was Harry.

She asked, "Why am I in hospital?"

Harry said, "You had very high fever and so I had to bring you here. I'll call the doctor."

Doctor asked her to be kept under observation for another 6 hours but she refused on insisted on going home. Doctor told Harry to take good care of her and reluctantly discharged her.

Harry helped her to his car. Seeing Harry driving, she said, "You are driving, how come? Please drop me to a hotel. I can't go to my home. I'll be dead if my parents got to know I was unwell."

Harry said, "I had to drive to your place. I was hell worried for you when your maid called. I had no other emotion. I am driving after 10 years, thanks to you. I will not take you to a hotel. Come along with me. Stay a night with me."

Ginny said, "Sorry for being a bother. I don't want to go your mansion."

Harry said, "I am not taking to you my family mansion but somewhere else. No need to apologize. I overcame my biggest fear just because of you."

Ginny nagged, "The road is so dark and silent. Where are you taking me? Are you planning to kill me? Even if I die, I'll be around you in the form of ghost."

Harry chuckled, "And she is back. You are a ghost in my life even when you are alive. God knows what you will do when you become ghost."

Ginny pushed, "Where are you taking me ? Tell me. I am curious."

Harry said, "Be quiet. Don't forget you had fever an hour before. Just sit quietly. Curiosity killed the cat, remember."

Ginny murmured, "Rude much!" Rest of the journey passed in silence.

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