DWC /// Day 15 - Anger was easier...

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Eden knew better than to get angry. At least he should by now. It was the same thing, time and time again. And yet, he let it get to him, time and time again. Worst of it? They meant well. But meaning well isn't everything. Not in situations this delicate. Who did they think they were? Controlling his life like he was some child needing to be looked after? As if he wasn't their equal? Like he hadn't just been out there doing the exact same thing they did every single night, for years! What was this? Did they think he was weak? Was that it? He was every bit as capable as any of them. Especially taking care of himself. He didn't need to be watched over. It was sickening, humiliating, and the worst... it... hurt... Forced to confront the harsh reality every single day. Forced to see his own inability and weakness in everything, every day. Deep down, he knew why they did it... But his pride would never let him accept it. Forcing him to deny the truth, hiding it away with anger. Because in the end, anger was better than pain... anger was better than accepting the truth. Anger didn't judge him. Anger didn't demand acceptance... And as easy as that was... it couldn't protect him forever. At the end of it all... he knew... And maybe that was the worst part. Knowing the lengths of your weakness, knowing that you aren't capable, but being unable to do anything about it. Knowing just how destructive you are to yourself, but what can you do about it? It doesn't even matter... 


For today's challenge I had to write a change in emotion, in only 1 paragraph of around 300 words... it was a challenge, but I'm quite happy with the result!

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