Inktober Day 1 - Crystal

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A sob shook Esther's entire body as she sat on her bedroom floor, back against the wall as warm tears rolled down her cheeks, falling in silence on the silky fabric of her skirt, leaving behind small dark specks over the light brown clothing.

Her trembling hands held on to the necklace dangling from her neck, an object which, until this moment, had always brought her comfort without fault; standing with her when no one else would, only to now join her mind in mocking her with the echoes of those damned few words.

"I can't do this anymore, Tess... Please, just... let us go"

Over and over and over again. Every time jabbing a little further into the gushing wound they had made the first time they were uttered. Every time making it just a slight bit harder to breathe as she choked on her own tears, forced to tilt her head back to be able to gasp for some air.

She slid a hand onto her hair, threading her fingers through the soft locks before pulling at them in an attempt to hold back how much she wanted to just scream out her lungs. Scream until her voice would go raw from the strain. To scream until even breathing would ache.

Her grip on the necklace tightened, the uneven crystal digging into the palm of her hand, leaving behind its mark as she held it in place for a moment, her body suddenly going quiet as she took in a shaky breath before yanking the necklace from around her neck and throwing it as hard as she could against the wall.

The slender black crystal landed with a sharp crack on the surface, shattering into pieces which fell with soft clatters on the wooden floor where they remained, devoid of any life; now just a distant echo of a broken promise.

WC: 313 

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