Chapter 33- Not Again

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Chapter 33

Not Again

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


... This is bad...

Rogue huffed, stumbling back and barely keeping his feet, his body aching from the blunt, and yet brutal impact of the Dragon's tail slamming into his side and sending him skidding backwards. It hurt, and more so on his already battered body from his fight in the GMG- but it was not enough to do any serious damage... Really, none of his back and forth with this Dragon felt like it was anymore than a brawl- but why...? It made no sense, but it almost felt like this Dragon was holding back.

He grimaced at it, his feet skidding back a few inches in the rubble before he stilled again.

Everything around him was in ruin, the city crumbling and taking a beating with each second- he could hear battle all around, everyone fighting back fiercely either with the Dragons, or the seemingly endless hordes of smaller ones still raining from the Dragon in the sky. It was all complete chaos, and only getting worse the longer everyone kept fighting, and the more the Dragons, and the Mini-Dragons wrought havoc on every single thing.

He'd gotten split up from Quatro Cerberus, and he hadn't meant to be- but the minute the Dragon had landed he'd rushed to retaliate... And somewhere in all the countless attacks on his part that seemed to have little effect, and all the harsh, yet never fully brutal hits he'd taken from the beast- now they were here in some closed off section of the city he didn't recognize, and with no one else in sight, or even in earshot either. It was just him and the Dragon, and it was almost eerily quiet and still, which did nothing for his nerves.

He'd seen Hora's Magic not long before, and directly before everything went to hell- he saw the Firebird arc over the city and rush toward the Eclipse Gate, and even heard it's shrill call to close the Gate. He didn't know how, but she'd clearly seemed to know that the Dragons would be coming from it. So she'd sent that first bird off, and then so many others all over the city in seconds time, warning the Guilds and Wizards what was coming, before those birds got swept up in the savage wind and burned away. He didn't know how she knew, but it made his stomach curl- and it curled even worse when he realized she was out there somewhere in all this mess and he had no clue where, or if she was even okay. This entire thing was just pure insanity.

He'd felt sick to his stomach all day just knowing she was off trying to rescue Lucy and Yukino, and then it got worse when she hadn't made it back when she was supposed to. Seeing her in the square had quelled the nauseous sensation only a little before he'd seen she was hurt, and then he felt sick again when he'd had to split up... And heard what she'd said, and cried, when talking with that Lamia Wizard Lyon.

It was all so bad- it was a heavy, suffocating weight over his head and his heart, and it was not going anyway anytime soon. It just got worse, more heavy, more suffocating- and there was something else too... A sort of uneasy, unsettled feeling that had been lurking at his heels all day too, and one that wasn't entirely born of his worry for Hora... It was... An actual shadow, one clinging to him- a strange, unnatural thing that had twisted his thoughts and mind even today in the GMG, and against Gajeel.

Lingering shadows were not new, there was always some pull, some temptation into the pitch black pits- it was a dark, and heavily buried side of his Magic that he did his best not to sway under. And usually he could, it was easier with everyone with him, keeping him above the waves- Hora, Frosch, Sting... Everyone... but he had gone under today. And his worry did nothing to help of course, nor did the insanity of everything going on- but that shadow inside his own that had taken control of him earlier, and it hadn't just been some tempting phantom- it was something else, something worse, more powerful... More tangible, even.

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