Chapter 14- An Icy Wind

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** I feel as if I should warn you, a section of this Chapter is a bit more graphic than usual


Chapter 14

An Icy Wind

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"..... Oi, Salamander."


".... Before you guys leave, I think I need to.... Warn, you." Hora mumbled, her voice low and tense as he turned round all the way to face her. Lucy and Happy were grumbling to one another as they packed up their things in the center of the room, Hora having taken up a post near the door that lead outside as Natsu stood a little ways in front of her.

Morning came faster than had seemed possible since Natsu had confronted her last night- and since he'd agreed to let her go, though she could tell he really, really did not want to. But as per her request, he'd dropped asking questions and simply kept her company until morning had come. Now with the Fairy Tailers getting ready to split ways with her, Hora found herself a little more tense- and she had to say something... One thing, at least.

"About what?" He asked, his head tilting as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"..... My Guild Master has strict rules about keeping the reputation if the Guild up, and he's forbidden that we converse or help or doing anything with rival Guilds." She mumbled, "... I've been working with you guys because he's not around to say anything about it, but if he were to find out I had been hanging around you three.... I'm gonna be in a bit of trouble." Natsu narrowed his eyes at that, "... So it'd be better if you guys didn't go around spreading stories of working with me.... Please."

He nodded slightly, though he looked a little confused at the request. Why would it matter? And why would she be getting in trouble for it?

"... Alright." He murmured,

"... Thank you.... And on that note, I'm not gonna be able to hang out with you, or even really talk to you, when we meet up in Crocus for the GMG." He blinked at that too, sweatdropping. "... I'm warning you in advance. I can't be familiar with you in public, or even really at all when the time comes."

"... That seems a little extreme. Why is talking to other Guilds such a big deal?" Natsu mumbled, "I mean I know were supposed to be rivals in the Games, but that doesn't mean were actually enemies." Hora sighed,

"Like I said... My Master is an ass." Hora grumbled, he sweatdropped slightly.

Somehow he felt that maybe 'ass' wasn't quite the word she wanted to use there.

"..... Alright... I don't get it, but I hear ya." he grumbled, "... You are gonna at least let me know you're back, when the Games come around, right?" She blinked,

"Yeah, I'll let you know, Salamander. Don't worry." He nodded, his stare a bit pointed for half a secind, before his attention trailed over his shoulder towards his Guild-Mates.

".... One last thing." Natsu blinked, his head turning back toward her to see she was looking at him.... Worriedly.

"...... It... Won't seem like it, when the time comes.... But I know every person in SaberTooth. They are all good people at heart, despite how they act." She broke off, almost like she was choosing her words carefully, it even if she dared say them.

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