Chapter 41- Birds

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Chapter 41


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Hora let out a heavy sigh, her eyes downcast and stuck to the Calling Card she held in her hands still, even after having left everyone behind... Well, more left everything behind actually.

She'd broken off from Rogue, Lector, Sting and Frosch and walked out along some empty portions of the terrace at first, avoiding everyone she could and just trying to quell what nagging thoughts were still pecking at her mind. All those fears and worries that had her coughing in the first place, and all of them stemming from, and winding back around to the the very worst one of the lot;

What if telling him does end up hurting him, and is a mistake?

Her hold on the Calling Card tightened, her eyes flashing in the pinky-violet light of the sky overhead, the sun set behind the horizon and night coming in fast.

She didn't want that, she didn't want to hurt him, but it still stayed in her head no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it, or the several other assurances on Lixue's part that it would not come to pass.

It kept nagging, kept drudging up all the other invasive thoughts she knew she shouldn't let have any time in her mind. But knowing she shouldn't let them be there did not help in making them go away, like at all. In fact they'd started swirling around in her brain so fast she'd started to get just as overwhelmed as she had been when she'd left Juvia behind, and that huge crowd that had bunched in and interrupted her and Gray. Her heart had started to pound in her ears again, her chest tightening as a heat in the base of her lungs started to burn brighter, the sound and sights and smells of the Party inside the ballroom suddenly intensifying and overtaking everything- muddying her senses, making it harder to breathe, making her pulse pick up and her heart to race while all manner of fears and levels of anxiety started to build up on her shoulders. She went from being uneasy to straight on edge, everything got too loud, there were too many people, too many worries she was gonna get mobbed again- and pure fear that she'd end up bumping into Gray again and she would be so frazzled and stressed out that their second run in would end up going even more terrible than the first one had.

She had to get away from all of it and be far away from anyone and everyone until she got a hold of herself. She had to stop, calm down, keep herself from ending up coughing her lungs out and letting Over-Drive have a go at her. She had to leave, and she had to leave fast.

She made her way off the terrace and skirted the edges of the Ballroom, quick-paced and with her eyes stuck down the whole way through until she found a side-hallway to dodge into. She didn't slow down even as she left the Ballroom behind, and the booming of her heart in her ears and her chest didn't even begin to let up until she'd wound her way through a few corridors that ended more like a maze, and then eventually out of the Palace entirely. And the rush of her blood in her veins and the painful thrumming of her heart against her chest remained on a high the whole time she made her way through the Palace Gardens, the hedges, tress, flowers and vegetation of all kinds lost on her entirely, the journey to and from nothing but a blur... She didn't even realize where she was going, or notice how far she'd walked until the thundering of her heart started to fade to none, and when the world sharpened back into focus she saw the Palace too far off, and the street she was on dark and quiet. And up ahead of her passed buildings that were shut up and empty for now, the street glowed with a strange blue-red hue, the wind washing up to hit her in the face and bringing with it the heavy scent of ice and ash.

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