Chapter 29- Not Quite....

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Chapter 29

Not Quite...

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


"Do your best, all of you... I promise, Yukino and Lector are gonna be okay. We'll get them back."

She nodded to them all, stiffly, curtly even, but firmly all the same- and much to her relief, her voice managed to sound at least mostly confident as she said the words. Confident and steady even despite the way her heart and soul ached, and cold biting fear that kept nipping away at her.

She had to sound sure, she had to stay strong, she couldn't crumble... Too much was at stake to start falling apart, and everyone needed to be focused and as on top of their game as was possible. She couldn't fall apart because if they saw her do so, everything else was just going to be so much harder for them. And things were already hard enough.

So she bit back at the worry and fear in her core, and the ever persistent ache of pain and sadness that would not go away... She forced all thoughts of Gray from her mind and did her absolute best to not let Sting's icy stare hit her as hard as it did... Or at least she did her best not to show how painful it was outwardly.

And she ignored all of that, on top of a sense of exhaustion and overexertion slowly getting all the heavier on her body and mind... And would surely grow to be something unbearable as the events of the day came about. Maybe even to the point she just couldn't-

She bit down on her cheek and tossed the thought away before she could finish it.

"Do your best today, alright?" Hora murmured firmly, her blue eyes flashing as she looked between the group of them standing before her. They nodded to her slightly in turn (those that returned her gaze anyway), from Rufus to Orga, and Frosch and to Rogue- but Sting never looked up. He stood off to the side a bit, his arms crossed over his chest, grim-faced, and utterly quiet.

She felt her heart clench painfully, her eyes locked to the blonde for a few seconds, before she forced herself to look away and put up a small, strained smile.

"Everything's gonna be fine, just give it your all." She hummed softly, and they nodded again, looking as grim as they probably should- and no small amount of worried.

"Please be careful, Horatia." Rufus told her softly,

"Yeah, no joke. You gotta be real careful." Orga grumbled,

Hora nodded slightly, "I'll be careful, I promise." She replied softly, "Though honestly you guys have the harder job for today..." She added quietly, and they sighed.

"... Hora, I hate this plan." Rogue mumbled lowly, his red eyes glittering as she glanced up at him, frowning a bit herself.

He'd actually been conked out near the whole night, which was something of a blessing cause it let Hora get at least a few hours of sleep before he started freaking out and asking questions all over again. He'd woken up early that morning and Hora had quickly explained to him what went on last night with the Fairy Tailers, and what the plan was for the day- while also apologizing more than a dozen times for... well, all of it.

And yes, he hated the plan- because he did not want to let her run off with the Fairy Tailers to stage a jailbreak, not after what happened last night. And no amount of Hora assuring him that she felt fine and that sleep had helped, was going to change his mind on the matter. Because he knew that no matter how much she said otherwise, she was not in good shape and she wasn't feeling good at all... but damn it, she was still so set on running off.

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